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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: mouse models

November 2019

Mouse study reveals overlooked target for autism therapies

by  /  20 November 2019

Blocking one form of an enzyme implicated in autism eases unusual behaviors and seizures in mice missing a top autism gene.

Micrograph of mouse brain showing transplanted human microglia

Chimeric mouse model aids study of brain’s immune cells

by  /  15 November 2019

A new technique allows researchers to transplant human microglia into mouse brains and better study the association between these cells and autism.

October 2019
micrographs of brain areas in red.

Drug counteracts effects of doubled autism gene

by  /  24 October 2019

An experimental drug tamps down the expression of a gene duplicated in an autism-related condition and restores typical behavior in mice.

Two pairs of neurons shown in red.

Gene editing rids mice of DNA segment linked to autism

by  /  23 October 2019

Researchers have used a new gene-editing technique to delete a segment of DNA associated with autism and schizophrenia from mouse brain cells.

white mouse

Double immune hit challenges female mice’s resistance to autism

by  /  23 October 2019

Female mice can withstand a maternal antibody that triggers brain abnormalities and autism-like behaviors in males. But additional immune challenges spell trouble.


Researchers debut mouse model for new autism gene

by  /  23 October 2019

Mice lacking one copy of a gene called DDX3X have developmental delay and sensory, motor and behavioral problems — similar to those seen in people with a mutation in the gene.


Cesarean sections may leave young brains vulnerable to injury

by  /  22 October 2019

Delivery by cesarean section leads to subtle brain and behavioral alterations in mice, particularly those delivered prematurely.

two neurons on yellow and orange background

Brain’s sensory relay station may play unexpected role in autism

by  /  22 October 2019

Neurons in a brain region called the thalamus may regulate social behavior and play a key role in autism.

linked hands in a pattern intertwined with DNA showing some broken parts, symbolizing mutations

Rett syndrome’s link to autism, explained

by  /  21 October 2019

Studies of Rett syndrome hint at genes, cells and brain circuits that may be involved in autism — and may pave the way to treatments for both conditions.

A new technique helps reveal patterns in the migration of neurons (green) to their destination (red).

A stop-motion movie of the whole brain, starring new neurons

by  /  21 October 2019

A method that visualizes nascent and migrating neurons in the mouse brain may shed light on brain development in autistic people.
