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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: sex

September 2020
Close-up of two hands holding and wearing rainbow-striped bracelets.

Largest study to date confirms overlap between autism and gender diversity

by  /  14 September 2020

People who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth are three to six times as likely to be autistic as cisgender people are.

August 2020

Review: ‘Love on the Spectrum’ is kind, but unrepresentative

by  /  18 August 2020

The Netflix series that follows 20-something autistic adults looking for love is well intentioned but fails to capture reality and is riddled with bad advice.

July 2020
Man working from home office.

INSAR 2020, from home

by  /  31 July 2020

Like so many other events this year, autism’s biggest annual conference — the International Society for Autism Research meeting — was forced to go virtual because of the coronavirus pandemic.

June 2020
three teens chatting

Brain responses to social stimuli may vary by sex in autism

by  /  29 June 2020

Autistic girls’ brains respond more strongly to social stimuli than do autistic boys’.


Decade of data dents idea of a ‘female protective effect’

by  /  12 June 2020

Brothers and sisters of people with autism are both about two to three times more likely than the general population to have an autistic child themselves.


Autism tests gauge traits equally well in girls and boys

by  /  5 June 2020

Three widely used tests for assessing autism can accurately measure trait severity in girls and boys.

May 2020

Social brain may differ between men and women

by  /  20 May 2020

Brain imaging data reveal sex differences in regions linked to social contact.

Illustration: a person faces a computer screen, away from the viewer, while ominous profiles of people surround them, looking inward.

Radical online communities and their toxic allure for autistic men

by  /  13 May 2020

Isolated from their peers, some autistic men get drawn into extremist views — and, in rare cases, violence — associated with online groups for ‘celibates.’

Teenage girl sad and sitting by window.

Autistic girls may experience more emotional challenges than autistic boys do

by  /  8 May 2020

Emotion control eludes more girls than boys with autism, according to a new study of young people hospitalized for psychiatric issues.

Mom at home with two kids trying to help them with online work.

Quarantine may hit autistic women and children hardest

by  /  6 May 2020

The coronavirus lockdown has radically disrupted autistic people’s schedules and access to services, according to a new survey.
