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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: learning and memory

April 2012

Studies highlight promise of fragile X treatment

by  /  30 April 2012

A promising approach to treating fragile X syndrome could benefit people even after the critical window of early brain development, and alleviate core symptoms of autism, according to two studies published this month.


Genetics: Environment modulates autism symptoms in mice

by  /  24 April 2012

Mutant mice with autism-like behaviors have fewer behavioral impairments when provided with toys, exercise wheels and contact with other mice, than do those that live in typical laboratory cages, according to a study published 5 April in Human Molecular Genetics. 


Researchers map gene expression in the monkey brain

by  /  4 April 2012

Researchers have used gene expression data to create a map of the layers within the neocortex, a brain region involved in sensory perception, motor control and language, of rhesus macaques. The results were published 22 March in Neuron.


Genetics: Rare, common autism variants may function together

by  /  3 April 2012

Researchers have mapped networks of genes expressed at the same time and place in the brain and shown that rare and common autism-linked mutations are likely to function in the same pathways. The results were published 8 March in PLoS Genetics.

March 2012

Molecular mechanisms: Extra MeCP2 affects brain signaling

by  /  30 March 2012

Mice with an extra copy of MeCP2, the Rett syndrome gene, have impaired signaling between neurons in the hippocampus, a brain region that plays an important role in memory, according to a study published 29 February in The Journal of Neuroscience.


Autism mutations lead to scores of symptoms in rodents

by  /  14 March 2012

Mutations in more than 100 autism-associated genes lead to shared neurobiological deficits in mice, including alterations in the shape of their brains and changes to the electrical properties of neurons, according to a study published 20 February in Molecular Autism.


Looking at autism through the fruit fly

by  /  6 March 2012

The characteristics, interactions and roles of autism-associated genes in the fruit flies’ brain will help guide how we think about the same genes in humans, says Ralph Greenspan.

February 2012

Cognition and behavior: Contaminant acts with autism gene

by  /  28 February 2012

A commonly used flame retardant may lead to deficits in sociability, learning and memory in healthy female mice and those that model Rett syndrome, according to a study published 15 February in Human Molecular Genetics. The effects are different in Rett syndrome models compared with healthy mice, suggesting gene-environment interactions.


Maternal anti-brain antibodies may play a role in autism

by , ,  /  21 February 2012

Maternal antibodies that attack fetal brain proteins could underlie some cases of autism, says immunologist Betty Diamond.


Microscope reveals nanoscale detail in live mouse brains

by  /  8 February 2012

A new microscope allows researchers to capture the movement of tiny signal-receiving branches in the brains of adult mice at the nanoscale level. The results were published 3 February in Science.
