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Spectrum: Autism Research News


September 2020
Colorful chart showing variants in chromosomes.

Scan of genomes for inherited variants lays bare new autism candidate

by  /  10 September 2020

Lowered expression of a gene called DDHD2 may increase a person’s likelihood of having autism, according to a new analysis.

January 2020
Variants linked to multiple conditions, including autism, tend to appear in genes that influence brain development, as shown in this chart in blue and grey.

Autism may share inherited variants with other psychiatric conditions

by  /  13 January 2020

Some of the inherited variants implicated in autism also increase the odds of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

November 2019

Study links large set of common genes to brain structure

by  /  29 November 2019

A new analysis of nearly 40,000 people pinpoints 48 genetic variants that may determine the volume of certain brain areas.

Strand of DNA with bases being deleted

Autism-linked gene variants increase odds of attention deficit

by  /  18 November 2019

A collection of rare genetic variants associated with autism and schizophrenia also seem to increase a person’s odds of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

July 2019

New approach aids search for genetic roots of complex conditions

by  /  5 July 2019

A new method enables researchers to test algorithms for spotting genes that contribute to a trait or condition.

March 2019
Spectrum stories podcast logo.

Spectrum Stories: The benefits of genetic testing in autism

by  /  18 March 2019

Finding a mutation linked to autism traits can have life-changing consequences for autistic individuals and their families.

February 2019
Portrait of Ivan Iossifov

Webinar: Ivan Iossifov discusses genetic variants linked to autism traits

 /  27 February 2019

Watch the complete replay of Ivan Iossifov discussing the genetic basis of autism’s features.

large group of people

Bumper scan of genomes pinpoints inherited risk factors for autism

by  /  25 February 2019

An analysis of DNA from more than 20,000 people with autism identifies 12 regions in the genome that harbor inherited risk factors for the condition.

January 2019
Portrait of boy with autism

Why genetic tests matter for autistic people

by  /  30 January 2019

Genetic tests for people with autism are far from routine and don’t always yield results, but the information they offer can change lives.

December 2018
whimsical machine takes in various data and spits out an organized version on the other end

Notable papers in autism research in 2018

by  /  21 December 2018

This year’s list of top papers highlights new dimensions in our understanding of autism genetics and hints at novel treatments.
