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Spectrum: Autism Research News


Society for Neuroscience 2019

SFN 2019
Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) showing several unmyelinated (green) and myelinated (green with blue border) axons. Schwann cell cytoplasm is red and a nucleus (bottom left) is yellow. The pink lines are the basement membranes.

Loss of insulation on neurons may contribute to autism

by  /  6 March 2020
Genes involved in the formation of myelin, a fatty substance that sheathes neurons, are altered in autistic people and in several mouse models.
SFN 2019

In brain imaging studies of autism, location may alter results

by  /  27 January 2020
A new analysis hints at the source of the rampant inconsistency among brain imaging studies in autism: significant differences among study sites.
SFN 2019
Micrograph of brain organoid in green and red

Spheres of brain cells may offer crystal ball for autism’s origins

by  /  24 January 2020
Researchers have monitored the active genome in brain organoids over the course of nearly two years — and may find clues to autism’s roots.
October 2019
SFN 2019

Rapid assay flags autism mutations in regions that flank genes

by  /  21 October 2019

Researchers have identified mutations within regulatory regions that are likely to contribute to autism, using a speedy system of DNA ‘barcodes.’

Two mice in a lab test environment
SFN 2019

Single seizure may have long-lasting effects on brain

by  /  21 October 2019

A single seizure early in life leads to enduring behavioral problems, including diminished sociability, in mice.

SFN 2019

Mock flu triggers changes in brain, behavior of monkeys

by  /  20 October 2019

Marmosets exposed to a mock infection in the womb have altered vocal development and diminished social interest; exposed macaques show changes in brain structure and function.

SFN 2019

Unusual gait marks mice with mutations related to autism

by  /  20 October 2019

Mouse models of two genetic conditions related to autism show abnormalities in their movement patterns.

SFN 2019

Algorithm may help identify subgroups of autism

by  /  20 October 2019

A new algorithm accurately separates highly similar people into subgroups based on their brain activity — and could do the same for autistic people.

SFN 2019

Breaks in long genes may underpin some forms of autism

by  /  20 October 2019

Neurons derived from autistic people with enlarged brains show extensive damage to long genes.

SFN 2019

CRISPR therapy may reverse autism mutation’s effects well past infancy

by  /  20 October 2019

Injecting the gene-editing tool CRISPR into the brains of mice may reverse the effects of an autism mutation at any age.

SFN 2019

Looking directly in the eyes engages region of the social brain

by  /  20 October 2019

The social brain has a sweet spot that activates when people look each other in the eyes but not when they look at eyes in a video.

SFN 2019

Most people underestimate risk of others’ access to their biological data

by  /  20 October 2019

People in the United States view certain personal information, such as their social security number, as more sensitive than data about their physical or mental well-being.

Grid of views of mouse brain: 3D and areas mapped in color
SFN 2019

New mouse brain atlas merges two popular maps

by  /  20 October 2019

A new online resource aligns and improves the two most widely used mouse brain atlases.