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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: MEG

December 2012

Child development: The first steps

by  /  6 December 2012

Because infants born into families with autism are more likely to develop the condition, studying them might lead to ways to diagnose people in the general population earlier.

November 2012

Cognition and behavior: Corpus callosum disrupted in autism

by  /  27 November 2012

Nearly half of children with malformation of the corpus callosum, which links the two hemispheres of the brain, have symptoms of autism, according to a study published 5 October in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

October 2012

A call for open-science approaches in autism research

by  /  16 October 2012

Sharing data and tools is universally efficient, but the study of autism in particular presents challenges that can benefit from an open-science framework, says Randy Buckner.

September 2012

Molecular mechanisms: Drug corrects excitable mouse brains

by  /  5 September 2012

A compound called baclofen restores the balance between different types of brain signals and alleviates autism-like behaviors in mice, according to a study published 17 July in Translational Psychiatry. A similar drug called arbaclofen is in clinical trials as a treatment for autism and fragile X syndrome.

August 2012

Researchers probe source of language impairment in autism

by  /  20 August 2012

For nearly two decades, scientists have debated the relationship between language problems, seen in about half of children with autism, and another disorder called specific language impairment. Three papers published in the past several months attempt to resolve this debate, but their findings suggest that it is far from settled.

July 2012

Cognition and behavior: Hearing delay unique to autism

by  /  10 July 2012

An abnormal response to sound detected by brain imaging may distinguish children with autism from those with specific language impairment, according to a study published 30 May in Neuroreport.


Targeting brain microcircuits may help treat autism

by  /  10 July 2012

Understanding the function of neuronal circuits, specifically microcircuits in the prefrontal cortex and elsewhere in the brain, will play a major role in translating research findings into new autism treatments, says Vikaas Sohal.

May 2012

Funding agency seeks success in ‘fast-fail’ clinical trials

by  /  28 May 2012

A new initiative launched by the National Institute of Mental Health aims to redefine clinical trials for autism by funding short, biomarker-based studies that will allow investigators to quickly rule out ineffective compounds. 

February 2012

Cognition and behavior: MEG detects sound sensitivity

by  /  17 February 2012

Brain imaging can detect acute sensitivity to sound in individuals with autism, according to a study published 25 January in Neurophysiology.

August 2011

Cognition and behavior: Autism brain patterns inherited

by  /  31 August 2011

Healthy parents of children with autism have an atypical brain response to sound frequency changes that mimics the response of individuals with the disorder.
