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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: environment

October 2015

Twin study unearths clues to role of environment in autism

by  /  8 October 2015

Researchers in Sweden are assembling a large group of identical twin pairs, with only one twin in each pair having autism.

Week of SeptemberSep

Power player; placebo predictors

by  /  2 October 2015

The MacArthur Foundation honors neuroscientist Beth Stevens, and researchers pin down factors that influence the placebo effect in autism trials.

August 2015

Autism may arise from brain’s response to early disturbances

by  /  18 August 2015

Autism is not a developmental disorder, but rather the brain’s adaptive response to early genetic or environmental disturbances, says Mark Johnson.


U.S. revives failed autism study amid lingering skepticism

by  /  17 August 2015

The National Institutes of Health is reviving a defunct study that aimed to identify environmental risk factors for autism and other childhood disorders. Some researchers say the do-over is unlikely to live up to the original project’s promise.


Sibling study questions cesarean section link to autism

by  /  4 August 2015

Contrary to previous findings, children born by cesarean section are not at an increased risk of autism, says a Swedish sibling study.

July 2015

Marmosets that miss social cues may mimic autism

by  /  29 July 2015

Marmosets exposed to an epilepsy drug in the womb do not recognize reciprocity — the social give-and-take that is a challenge for some people with autism — suggests a new study. The findings add to mounting evidence that these tiny monkeys offer clues about autism.


Obesity during pregnancy may not boost child’s autism risk

by  /  10 July 2015

Women who are overweight while pregnant have an increased risk of having a child with autism. But a new study suggests that genetics, not the obesity per se, underlies the association.


Short chromosome caps may up autism risk in families

by  /  6 July 2015

Telomeres, the structures at the tips of chromosomes, tend to be unusually short in people with autism and their immediate family members.

June 2015

Young women bear high risk of having children with autism

by  /  25 June 2015

Older women and men are at high risk of having a child with autism — and so are teenage girls and parents whose age differs by at least a decade, according to a multinational study of more than 5 million children.

April 2015

Monkey mother’s immune response changes her infant’s brain

by  /  27 April 2015

Monkeys whose mothers are infected with a mock virus while pregnant show abnormal branching of certain brain cells. The findings may help explain why infection during a woman’s pregnancy ups the risk of autism in her children.
