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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: emotion processing

July 2012

Charles Nelson: Searching for early signs of autism

by  /  23 July 2012

Charles Nelson, who famously showed that social deprivation damages the developing brain, is analyzing brain waves in babies to study how different genetic risk factors might lead to autism.


Genetics: Study links MET gene to emotion recognition

by  /  6 July 2012

Researchers have linked the ability to recognize emotions from facial expressions to MET, a well-known autism gene, according to a study published 27 April in PLoS ONE.

June 2012

Molecular mechanisms: Language neurons small in autism

by  /  13 June 2012

Neurons that activate signals in a brain region important for language and imitation are smaller in the brains of individuals with autism than in those of controls, according to a study published 31 March in Acta Neuropathology.

March 2012

Cognition and behavior: Brain changes tied to autism severity

by  /  16 March 2012

Adults with autism have regional differences in brain volume in areas that play a role in social behavior and communication compared with controls, according to a large study published in the February issue of Archives of General Psychiatry. The differences correlate with the severity of autism symptoms, the study also shows.


Cognition and behavior: Study probes speech processing

by  /  7 March 2012

Children with autism activate more brain regions than controls do when listening to tonal inflections in speech that convey meaning. The findings were published 19 December in Child Neuropsychology.

January 2012

Love story

by  /  17 January 2012

Can people with autism, who lack the ability to understand others’ thoughts and feelings, fall in love?

December 2011

Molecular mechanisms: Master regulator altered in autism

by  /  16 December 2011

SP1, a protein that regulates the expression of several autism candidate genes, could increase risk of the disorder by simultaneously altering the expression of a number of the genes, according to a study published 24 October in Biological Psychiatry.


Eric Kandel: The way forward for autism research

by ,  /  6 December 2011

Studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie autism is crucial to advancing our understanding of the disorder, says neuroscientist Eric Kandel.

November 2011

Cognition and behavior: Some neurons attuned to whole faces

by  /  29 November 2011

A subset of neurons in the amygdala, a small brain region responsible for processing emotions, recognize whole faces rather than individual features, according to a study published 11 October in Current Biology.


Helen Tager-Flusberg: Decoding the language of autism

by  /  24 November 2011

The language deficit in autism is complex and diverse. With a no-nonsense and thoughtful approach, Helen Tager-Flusberg has devoted her career to sorting it all out.
