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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: emotion processing

June 2013

Amygdala and autism’s checkered history

by  /  4 June 2013

To understand the amygdala’s role in autism, researchers should study its connections with other brain structures and explore its role in development, says Ralph Adolphs.

May 2013

Cognition and behavior: People with autism don’t avoid faces

by  /  31 May 2013

When choosing whether to look at a face or an object, children with autism generally pick the same thing controls do, according to a study published 10 April in Frontiers in Psychiatry. The finding contradicts the widely held belief that people with autism tend not to look at faces.  

February 2013

The 2003 paper proposing signaling imbalance in autism

by ,  /  26 February 2013

In 2003, John Rubenstein and Michael Merzenich first described the theory, now popular in autism, that the disorder reflects an imbalance between excitation and inhibition in the brain. Takao K. Hensch and Parizad M. Bilimoria review the paper and its impact on the field.

January 2013

Cognition and behavior: Autism dads struggle with empathy

by  /  22 January 2013

Families of individuals with autism may share their abnormal patterns of brain activation, according to a study published 3 December in Molecular Autism.


Cognition and behavior: Pitch perception heightened in autism

by  /  11 January 2013

Children with autism are better than controls at remembering melodies and detecting differences in pitch, according to a study published 13 November in Autism.  


Molecular mechanisms: Immune soldiers elevated in autism

by  /  4 January 2013

Children with autism have higher levels than controls of dendritic cells, a subset of immune cells, according to a study published 11 October in Brain Behavior and Immunity.

A 3D digital rendering of a human face in profile.

Conversation with avatar teaches social skills

by  /  2 January 2013

In a virtual reality game intended to improve social skills in teenagers with autism, the players must ask computer avatars the right questions while seeming engaged in the conversation. The game was described 27 September in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.

December 2012

Cognition and behavior: Gender influences autism symptoms

by  /  5 December 2012

Men with autism struggle with attention to detail and dexterity, according to a study published 17 October in PLoS One. Men and women with the disorder both have trouble with social skills, however.

November 2012

Cognition and behavior: Corpus callosum disrupted in autism

by  /  27 November 2012

Nearly half of children with malformation of the corpus callosum, which links the two hemispheres of the brain, have symptoms of autism, according to a study published 5 October in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Retro engraving illustration of face with a terrified expression.

Cognition and behavior: Emotions confuse adults with autism

by  /  16 November 2012

Adults with autism are less specific and less reliable than controls at recognizing emotions from facial expressions, according to a study published 27 September in Neuropsychologia.
