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Spectrum: Autism Research News


Jessica Wright

Jessica Wright was senior news writer at Spectrum from 2010 to 2019. Her writing has also appeared in Nature and Scientific American.

Jessica has a Ph.D. in biological sciences from Stanford University.

February 2011

Window into brain reveals real-time growth of neurons

by  /  15 February 2011

A new technique allows researchers to watch the long-term effects of disease on the brain, according to a study published in the February Nature Medicine. The approach could help scientists study changes in the brain that result from neurological disorders such as autism.


Sense of self

by  /  11 February 2011

Teenagers with autism can reliably measure their own quality of life and are more satisfied with it than are their parents, who over-emphasize their children’s social and emotional difficulties, according to a study published in February in The Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.


Cognition and behavior: Money motivates in autism, attention deficit

by  /  11 February 2011

Children with autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are both more motivated by money than by praise, according to a study published in January in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.


Molecular mechanisms: Men with fragile X have enlarged brains

by  /  9 February 2011

Men with fragile X syndrome have larger brains overall than controls do, but less matter in regions involved in language and social interaction.


Clinical research: Study questions symptoms of Angelman syndrome

by  /  8 February 2011

One of the first large-scale, ongoing studies documenting the symptoms of Angelman syndrome — a neurological disorder with features similar to autism — is calling into question some of the so-called characteristic symptoms of the syndrome.


Clinical research: Socially based intervention improves autism

by  /  4 February 2011

A new intervention that teaches toddlers skills in a real-world environment — a playgroup rather than a one-on-one interaction with a researcher, for instance — more than doubles their ability to imitate others, according to a January study in The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.


Cognition and behavior: Anxiety in speech linked to autism

by  /  2 February 2011

A rare childhood speech disorder related to social anxiety is associated with a gene linked to autism, according to a study published in December in Biological Psychiatry. The results suggest that the two disorders share a common mechanism.

January 2011

Genetics: Rare mutation found in gene linked to autism

by  /  31 January 2011

Researchers have identified a rare genetic variant linked to autism in DLX1, a gene that regulates the growth of neurons, they reported in December in the American Journal of Medical Genetics.


Cognition and behavior: Autism a disadvantage for real-world search

by  /  27 January 2011

Children with autism do not use efficient, systematic methods to search for an object, according to a study published in January in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Cognition and behavior: Children with autism struggle to understand words

by  /  26 January 2011

Children with autism understand fewer words than their verbal ability would suggest, according to a study published in December in the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders.
