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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: treatments

June 2012

Drug merger

by  /  19 June 2012

Seaside Therapeutics, a small biotech, and Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche have announced a partnership to develop drugs for fragile X syndrome and autism.


Clinical research: Genetic variant improves effects of oxytocin

by  /  15 June 2012

Men with a common autism-linked variant of CD38, a gene that regulates levels of the ‘trust hormone’ oxytocin, benefit more from the hormone than do those with other variants, according to a study published in the May issue of Neuropsychopharmacology.


Q&A with Luca Santarelli: Targeting neuronal connections

by  /  12 June 2012

Luca Santarelli, head of neuroscience at Roche, explains why he is optimistic that pharmaceutical companies can overcome the obstacles in autism drug development.


Counting conditions

by  /  8 June 2012

A tool designed to detect psychiatric disorders in people with autism may produce more accurate estimates of co-occurring conditions.


Valproate fate

by  /  5 June 2012

A new rat study shows that the precise timing of early valproate exposure, an autism risk factor, can have a big influence on behavior later in development.


Immune cells sculpt brain by pruning neuronal connections

by  /  4 June 2012

Immune cells called microglia may play a central role in trimming synapses, the connections between neurons, according to research published 24 May in Neuron. These modifications are part of a normal developmental process by which excess synapses in the brain are destroyed.


Brain trust

by  /  1 June 2012

Preliminary research shows that in people with autism, oxytocin enhances activity in brain areas that process social information.

May 2012

Global road map

by  /  29 May 2012

Two reviews sketch a road map for understanding and treating autism in low- and middle-income countries.


Funding agency seeks success in ‘fast-fail’ clinical trials

by  /  28 May 2012

A new initiative launched by the National Institute of Mental Health aims to redefine clinical trials for autism by funding short, biomarker-based studies that will allow investigators to quickly rule out ineffective compounds. 


Rinse and repeat

by  /  22 May 2012

Researchers typically use only one ‘cohort,’ a group of about three dozen mice, for a given set of experiments. When others repeat the experiments with a different set of animals, sometimes the results hold up, and sometimes they don’t.
