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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: autism

September 2011

Brain activity triggers widespread epigenetic changes

by  /  26 September 2011

Methylation marks were thought to be permanent features of the genome, but a new study challenges that idea.


Model systems

by  /  23 September 2011

The more we find out about human genetics, the more valuable model organisms are likely to become, say autism researchers.  


Clinical research: Men may not outgrow autism-like behaviors

by  /  23 September 2011

Boys who have autism-like social deficits at 2 years of age retain about the same level of social impairment when they reach age 20.


Social cues from bodies in motion lost to those with autism

by  /  22 September 2011

Two new studies suggest that people with autism don’t all have trouble detecting the motion of people and animals. What they do struggle with is picking up social information from bodies in motion.


Questionnaire distinguishes autism, developmental disability

by  /  21 September 2011

Researchers have optimized an early social screening questionnaire to distinguish autism from other developmental disabilities in preschool-aged children.


Molecular mechanisms: Fragile X brains have altered synapses

by  /  21 September 2011

Neurons in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome make more connections during a critical period in development compared with controls, but are slower to respond to signals.


Statistical trap

by  /  20 September 2011

Half of behavioral neuroscience studies published in top-tier journals make a crucial statistical error.


Cognition and behavior: Probiotics alleviate anxiety in mice

by  /  20 September 2011

Probiotic bacteria alleviate stress in healthy mice and modify the expression of receptors for a chemical messenger that inhibits signaling in the brain.


Comic relief

by  /  16 September 2011

An adventure story about a boy with autism is making an appearance in a popular comic book.


Researchers map gene expression in layers of mouse brain

by  /  16 September 2011

A new atlas of gene expression patterns in the adult mouse brain shows how thousands of genes are turned on in specific layers of the cortex.
