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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: synaptic vesicles

August 2012

Defects in autism risk genes may lead to slower signals

by  /  6 August 2012

Mutations in two genes linked to autism, neurexin and neuroligin, slow down neuronal signaling, according to research published 2 August in Science. Analyzing the mutations in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the study found that mutations in these genes affect signaling in the opposite direction than is typical.

July 2012

Molecular mechanisms: Mock virus alters offspring’s brain

by  /  20 July 2012

Pregnant rats exposed to a virus give birth to offspring with significantly altered levels of three proteins important for brain development, according to a study published 9 June in Molecular Brain.

June 2012

‘Tomato’ red molecule reports on neuronal activity

by  /  13 June 2012

A pH-sensitive red fluorescent molecule allows researchers to simultaneously monitor two different types of neuronal activity, according to a study published 27 May in Nature Neuroscience.

April 2012

Genetics: Rare, common autism variants may function together

by  /  3 April 2012

Researchers have mapped networks of genes expressed at the same time and place in the brain and shown that rare and common autism-linked mutations are likely to function in the same pathways. The results were published 8 March in PLoS Genetics.

July 2011

Microscopy reveals central control of neuronal signals

by  /  27 July 2011

An elegant microscopy technique reveals that neurons can regulate how quickly they recycle chemical messengers, according to a study published in July in Nature Neuroscience. This process is believed to be the limiting step in the speed of signaling across neuronal junctions.

June 2011

Molecular mechanisms: Some synaptic proteins travel in groups

by  /  28 June 2011

Soluble proteins band together into temporary complexes to travel to the tips of neurons, according to a study published 12 May in Neuron. The study provides the first evidence-based model for slow, directed neuronal transport, answering a long-standing question in the field.

April 2011

Cell’s own machinery can deliver therapies to the brain

by  /  13 April 2011

Exosomes, the brain’s system for delivering and recycling molecules, can be manipulated to carry therapeutic fragments of RNA or DNA across the blood-brain barrier and into neurons. The ingenious new technique was published 20 March in Nature Biotechnology.

February 2010

Super-cool synapses

by  /  1 February 2010

A chilling new technique shows the intricate and coordinated activity of previously mysterious pieces of the synapse, the all-important junction between neurons that allows cells to talk to each other.
