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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: ethics

December 2013

Many children with autism take multiple drugs

by  /  3 December 2013

It’s common for children with autism to take more than one medication to improve symptoms, despite the dearth of information about the drugs’ long-term safety, according to two new studies.

June 2013

Disclosing results

by  /  21 June 2013

Autism researchers disagree on what genetic information or clinical services they should offer participants after a study ends.

March 2013

Test case

by ,  /  1 March 2013

A single case study suggests that deep brain stimulation may improve symptoms associated with autism, say Casey Halpern and Gregory Heuer.

January 2013

Ethics abroad

by  /  22 January 2013

Resource-poor countries need better safeguards for doing ethical studies, says a new study published 3 January in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.


How can we fix gender bias?

by  /  7 January 2013

Despite improved opportunities for women in science over the past few decades, new evidence confirms that real bias still exists. How would you fix it?

November 2012

Animal assistance

by  /  27 November 2012

There’s little rigorous evidence on whether animals help people with autism become more sociable, or which people with the disorder might benefit the most.

February 2012

Documentary review: ‘Le Mur’ (‘The Wall’)

by  /  28 February 2012

The French documentary Le Mur (The Wall) shows that many psychoanalysts in France shun biological explanations for autism.

October 2011

Upright citizens

by  /  18 October 2011

Adolescents with autism may not use abstract reasoning to understand why certain acts are wrong, but they know the difference between a moral transgression and a social blunder.

September 2011
Young person walking away from the camera.

Down by law

by  /  27 September 2011

A new study finds that Dutch children picked up by the police for minor offenses score higher than controls on a questionnaire measuring traits of autism.

August 2011

Women researchers in autism face glass ceiling

by  /  29 August 2011

Women scientists did much of the important early work in the field of autism, but they still struggle with lower salaries, more teaching responsibilities in their institutions and fewer opportunities to head up large, multi-center collaborations.
