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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: brain imaging

July 2013

What’s the best route to a brain map?

by  /  8 July 2013

A new three-dimensional, whole-brain model provides an unprecedented level of detail of the brain and its connections. Can it be used to study autism?


High-resolution model showcases brain anatomy

by  /  4 July 2013

Researchers have sliced a human brain into more than 7,400 slivers, and stained and scanned them to create ‘BigBrain,’ the most detailed three-dimensional map of a human brain to date, they reported 21 June in Science.

June 2013

Cognition and behavior: Autism traits predict connectivity

by  /  14 June 2013

People who show strong autism traits tend to have weak connections between an area of the brain involved in introspection and social memories and other brain regions, according to a study published 5 April in PLoS One.


Imaging reveals more folds, thicker cortex in autism brains

by  /  13 June 2013

The brains of people with autism are structurally different from those of controls, with more folds and a thicker cortex in certain regions, according to two studies published in the past few months.


What can studying white matter reveal about autism?

by  /  10 June 2013

Advanced imaging techniques may reveal more precise pictures of how of the brain’s regions communicate with one another. How much of the neurodevelopmental riddle of autism lies in these tracts?


New imaging techniques probe brain’s long-range connections

by  /  10 June 2013

New techniques to scan the brain can produce exquisitely detailed views of white matter, which contains the long cellular fibers that connect neurons. Many of the advances are emerging from the Human Connectome Project, a five-year push to map the brain’s wiring.

May 2013

Brainstem grows differently in boys with autism

by  /  30 May 2013

The brainstems of children with autism are smaller than average, but reach sizes similar to those of controls by age 15, according to a two-year imaging study published 22 April in Behavioral Brain Research.


Immature blood vessels may confound baby brain images

by  /  23 May 2013

A new rat study suggests that baby brain scans should be interpreted with caution. Unlike scans of adult brains, the study says, baby brain scans may show changes in blood flow that do not necessarily reflect the activity of neurons in the region.


Video: Microscopy technique reveals whole fish brain

by  /  22 May 2013

A new microscopy technique, published in the May issue of Nature Methods, can show the activity of more than 80 percent of the brain’s neurons at one time.


Power failure

by  /  17 May 2013

The odds that the average new neuroscience study’s findings are actually true are about 50-50, according to a report in the May Nature Reviews Neuroscience.
