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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: autism

June 2013

Regression in Rett syndrome may inform autism

by  /  18 June 2013

Studying regression in Rett syndrome may help us understand the phenomenon in autism, as it occurs at the same time in both disorders and includes many of the same features, says Jeffrey Neul.

Micrograph of interneuron and pyramidal neuron in the hippocampus.

Signaling imbalance may underlie tuberous sclerosis complex

by  /  17 June 2013

The mutation that causes tuberous sclerosis complex, an autism-related disorder, may disable calming signals in the brain, leading to hyperactive neurons, according to a study published 8 May in Neuron.


Kimberly Huber on synapse pruning in autism

 /  26 June 2013

Watch the complete replay of Kimberly Huber discussing the role of autism-linked genes in the natural pruning of brain cell connections. Submit your own follow-up questions.


Registered reports

by  /  14 June 2013

The more researchers poke around, the more likely they are to find a significant effect — and the more likely that the effect they end up reporting is just a fluke. A new kind of journal article, the ‘registered report,’ may address this problem, says Jon Brock.


Cognition and behavior: Autism traits predict connectivity

by  /  14 June 2013

People who show strong autism traits tend to have weak connections between an area of the brain involved in introspection and social memories and other brain regions, according to a study published 5 April in PLoS One.


Imaging reveals more folds, thicker cortex in autism brains

by  /  13 June 2013

The brains of people with autism are structurally different from those of controls, with more folds and a thicker cortex in certain regions, according to two studies published in the past few months.


Virtual public speaking assesses social attention in autism

by  /  12 June 2013

To study attention in people with autism during complex social situations, researchers have developed a virtual reality version of public speaking, according to a study published 20 May in Autism Research.


Comparing prevalence

by  /  11 June 2013

Cultural factors may explain why attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is diagnosed less frequently in the U.K. than in the U.S., and autism more frequently, suggests a study published 30 May in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.


Genetics: Gene expression altered in autism gut

by  /  11 June 2013

Gut cells from children with autism who have gastrointestinal problems have gene expression patterns that suggest a unique immune disorder, according to a study published 8 March in PLoS One.


What can studying white matter reveal about autism?

by  /  10 June 2013

Advanced imaging techniques may reveal more precise pictures of how of the brain’s regions communicate with one another. How much of the neurodevelopmental riddle of autism lies in these tracts?
