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Spectrum: Autism Research News

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Efforts to ease the symptoms of autism are beginning to ramp up, with promising candidates in various stages of testing.

March 2022

New human neuron assays set stage for high-throughput autism drug screens

by  /  22 March 2022

The ability to conduct large-scale screening in human neurons could accelerate the discovery of autism treatments.

Illustration of head in profile filled with swirls of color.

Clinicians must put more effort into autism-specific medical care

by  /  14 March 2022

Without it, autistic adults with high support needs like my son are missing out on treatments that could reduce their suffering and improve their quality of life.

February 2022

Gut molecule linked to decreased myelination in mouse brains

by  /  14 February 2022

Targeting the molecule, 4EPS, with an experimental drug may be a way to ease anxiety for autistic people, the researchers say. But not everyone is convinced.


Real-world data on Rett syndrome: Q&A with Jana von Hehn

by  /  8 February 2022

The Rett Syndrome Global Registry is gathering data from people around the world with the rare condition to support clinical trials.

January 2022

Growth factor analogue shows promise for Rett syndrome in late-stage trial

by  /  25 January 2022

Girls and young women with Rett syndrome have less severe anxiety and breathing problems after treatment with trofinetide, an analogue of insulin-like growth factor 1, according to an unpublished placebo-controlled trial.

Colorful illustration shows pills, bottles and blister packs falling all around.

Spectrum’s Autism Drug Trial Tracker, an interactive tool to explore clinical trial data

by  /  12 January 2022

Spectrum’s Autism Drug Trial Tracker provides interactive, curated information about hundreds of clinical trials for autism and related conditions.


Autism Drug Trial Tracker

by  /  12 January 2022

Explore hundreds of clinical trials with our interactive tool.

Control panel made with pills as buttons and switches.

Introducing Spectrum’s Autism Drug Trial Tracker

by  /  12 January 2022

The tool provides interactive, curated information on more than 200 clinical trials for autism and related conditions.


Autism Drug Trial Tracker: User Guide

by  /  12 January 2022

Learn how to use the Autism Drug Trial Tracker, with specific examples and detailed explanations for each data column.


The connection between oxytocin and autism, explained

by  /  6 January 2022

Oxytocin, cemented in the popular imagination as the “love molecule,” could serve as a treatment for some autistic people who naturally have low levels of the hormone, researchers say.
