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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: vision

February 2012

Brain response to gaze predicts autism in baby sibs

by  /  6 February 2012

A longitudinal study of infant siblings of children with autism is the first to identify a particular brain pattern that is linked to later diagnosis of autism.

November 2011

Normocentric world

by  /  15 November 2011

In a Nature commentary, Laurent Mottron, professor of psychiatry at the University of Montreal, argues that autism is not a defect that needs fixing.


Autism brains have noisy signals, imaging study finds

by  /  13 November 2011

In high-functioning adults with autism, the signal-to-noise ratio in the outer regions of the brain is significantly lower than in healthy controls, according to unpublished research presented Friday in Washington, D.C.


Vision problems in Rett syndrome could serve as biomarker

by  /  13 November 2011

Mice missing the Rett syndrome gene MeCP2 show a gradual decline in vision, and too much inhibitory signaling in the visual cortex, according to unpublished research presented Thursday in Washington, D.C.


Different world

by  /  12 November 2011

Most neuroscientists who study autism focus on genes, pathways and mouse models, and rarely think about the day-to-day experience of people with the disorder, contends developmental psychologist Ami Klin.


Motor problems in autism move into research focus

by  /  3 November 2011

Many children with autism have a range of motor issues — such as head lag, floppy arms and difficulty sitting up — beginning in the first few months of life, according to an emerging body of work.

October 2011

Treatments needed for severe sensory sensitivity

by  /  25 October 2011

There should be more research on sensory sensitivity in autism, which severely affects quality of life, says bestselling author and animal scientist Temple Grandin.

Photo: A pair of glasses sits in front of an eyesight testing poster with letters. The poster is magnified through the glasses lenses.

Cognition and behavior: Vision same in autism and controls

by  /  19 October 2011

Individuals with Asperger syndrome perform at the same level as controls do on tests of visual ability, according to a study published 30 August in Biological Psychiatry. This result adds to growing evidence against the claim, made in an infamous 2009 study, that individuals with autism have superior vision.


Tech grant takes aim at autism diagnosis, treatment

by  /  10 October 2011

A $10 million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation is funding a five-year project to develop new technologies that can help clinicians diagnose and treat autism.

September 2011

Social cues from bodies in motion lost to those with autism

by  /  22 September 2011

Two new studies suggest that people with autism don’t all have trouble detecting the motion of people and animals. What they do struggle with is picking up social information from bodies in motion.
