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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Bernie Sanders

by  /  3 March 2020
  • General research funding

    • Expand funding within the Institute for Education Sciences for research on how early-childhood professionals can best support children with disabilities.
    • Double the budget of the National Institute for Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research.
    • Require the NIH grant-review processes to include people with disabilities as reviewers.
    • Require that at least half of each condition-specific advisory committee, such as the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, is composed of individuals with the relevant disability.
    • Expand pre- and postdoctoral training grants for researchers with disabilities.
    • Re-authorize the Autism CARES Act with provisions to increase the proportion of autism research funding allocated to the needs of autistic adults.
    • Grow the representation of autistic people and others with developmental disabilities in disability programs.
    • Permanently re-authorize the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute created by the Affordable Care Act.
    • Establish a Center for Clinical Research within the NIH to develop and test drugs for conditions with limited or expensive treatment options.
    • Create a prize model to spur innovation for drugs.
  • Secondary education and jobs

    • Abolish sub-minimum wage.
    • Devote $50 billion over the next decade to expand career and technical education opportunities to prepare students for well-paying community employment.
    • Require universities to have a minimum number of full-time University Disability Services personnel.
    • Create a federal jobs guarantee that would include workers with disabilities.
    • Increase the budget of the Employment Equal Opportunity Commission, and provide funding for employment ‘testers’ to address disability discrimination.
  • Early intervention and primary education

    • Fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
    • Establish universal childcare and preschool.
    • End restraint and seclusion in schools through the passage of the Keeping All Students Safe Act.
    • Invest in expanding access to augmentative and alternative communication for students who need communication assistance.
    • Lower the age at which schools must begin transition planning for students with disabilities from 16 to 14.
  • Housing policy

    • Build nearly 10 million permanently affordable, accessible homes to fully close the gap in affordable, accessible housing units.
    • Fully fund housing-choice programs.
    • Encourage zoning and development designed to maximize the number of housing units accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Criminal justice

    • Make discriminatory law enforcement interactions with people with disabilities a major enforcement priority of the Civil Rights Division.
    • Fund police training on bias and how to interact with people with disabilities.
    • Create a civilian corps of unarmed first responders for mental health crises, such as social workers, emergency medical technicians and trained mental health professionals.
    • End solitary confinement for people with disabilities.
  • Healthcare

    • Create a single-payer healthcare system, including long-term services and supports, dental and vision.
    • Instruct the Department of Justice and the Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights to issue rules protecting people with disabilities against healthcare discrimination.
    • Issue an executive order instructing the secretary of Health and Human Services to incorporate people with disabilities into the agency’s definition of medically underserved populations.
  • For caregivers

    • Issue guidance through the Department of Education to require consideration of supported decision-making as part of post-secondary transition planning and to prevent schools from unnecessarily funneling students with disabilities into guardianship and conservatorship.
  • Drug pricing

    • Allow Medicare to negotiate with big drug companies to lower prescription drug prices.
    • Allow patients, pharmacists and wholesalers to buy low-cost prescription drugs from Canada and other industrialized countries.
    • Cut prescription drug prices in half by pegging prices to the median drug price in five major countries: Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan.
  • Miscellaneous

    • Create a National Office of Disability Coordination, run by a person with a disability, to protect the civil rights of people with disabilities.


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