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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: postmortem brains

April 2017

Early brain enlargement augurs distinct form of autism

by  /  11 April 2017

A minority of boys with autism have brains that are unusually large relative to their bodies — a trait tied to regression and intellectual disability.

March 2017

Parental origin may alter gene copies’ expression in brain

by  /  13 March 2017

Some neurons preferentially express the copy of a gene inherited from one parent over the other.

January 2017

Diverse causes of autism converge on common gene signature

by  /  23 January 2017

The brains of people with autism show a distinct molecular signature that reflects alterations in how genes are pieced together and expressed.


Autism brains bear telltale pattern of chemical tags

by  /  12 January 2017

The brains of many people with autism may exhibit a characteristic arrangement of chemical groups on the proteins that DNA coils around.

December 2016

Notable papers of 2016

by  /  26 December 2016

Our picks for the top 10 papers of the year highlight leaps in our understanding of autism, as well as lingering gaps.


Map of brain’s DNA loops holds clues to autism genetics

by  /  8 December 2016

A new chart of DNA’s three-dimensional structure reveals genomic regions that control distant genes during development.

November 2016

‘Mini-brains’ may mimic only early brain development

by  /  15 November 2016

Gene expression in so-called ‘organoids’ resembles the pattern seen in the first few weeks of a developing brain.


Large postmortem brain study unearths clues to schizophrenia

by  /  3 November 2016

A massive collection of brain tissue reveals common genetic variants that influence gene expression in the brain.

September 2016
Week of SeptemberSep

Grant gaffe; brain bestowal; biobank blitz

by  /  16 September 2016

A university must pay the U.S. government $9.5 billion for false claims on federal grants, a mother explains her decision to donate her son’s brain to science, and investigators struggle to enroll families in autism research.


Chemical brew lets scientists see through bodies, brains

by  /  7 September 2016

A potent chemical cocktail renders tissue transparent in a way that makes even buried brain structures visible.
