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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: behavioral interventions

August 2018

How to help young adults with autism transition to adulthood

by  /  7 August 2018

A novel group intervention helps young adults with autism develop independent-living skills and access social support in times of stress.

July 2018

For children with autism, tablet app may deliver life skills

by  /  24 July 2018

Software may complement traditional behavioral therapy for autism, but making programs engaging and effective is a challenge.

Week of JulyJul

Anxiety app; favorite things; overheard words and more

by  /  13 July 2018

An app may help people with autism manage anxiety, adults on the spectrum share the items they use to self-soothe, and autistic children can pick up new words by overhearing them.


Optimism greets investors’ sudden interest in autism therapy

by  /  9 July 2018

Private equity firms have injected hundreds of millions of dollars into autism therapy companies — and researchers are hopeful this will widen autistic people’s access to care.

June 2018
Week of JuneJun

Smart genes; Neanderthal mini-brains; diabetes link and more

by  /  29 June 2018

Autism and intelligence share genetic variants, researchers grow Neanderthal mini-brains and see overlap with autism, and maternal diabetes is an autism risk factor.

Illustration of scientists on ladder shining flashlight into a human brain with a raincloud inside.

Why we need screens for depression in people with autism

by ,  /  26 June 2018

The instruments clinicians use to diagnose depression in people with autism cannot capture its unique presentation in this group.

Spectrum stories podcast logo.

Spectrum Stories: Gaming autism treatments

by  /  20 June 2018

Researchers are designing video games to hone visual-attention skills in children with autism. New host Ben Kuebrich explores.

Illustration: on the left, a person plays a video game in an arcade. On the right, a scientist stands in front of scientific instruments.

How to game the search for autism treatments

by  /  20 June 2018

An expanding arcade of video games takes aim at easing autism traits, from poor visual attention to problems with motor skills. But how useful — and fun — are these games, really?


Genetic testing, counseling crucial in people with developmental delay

by ,  /  19 June 2018

Referring children with developmental delay to a clinical geneticist for testing and counseling helps families and advances research.


Abridged autism assessment speeds access to therapy

by  /  5 June 2018

A new strategy for diagnosing autism shortens the evaluation process — and the wait for answers.
