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Spectrum: Autism Research News

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Science & Society

From funding decisions to scientific fraud, a wide range of societal factors shape autism research.

May 2016

In Gaza Strip, autism researchers battle dearth of resources

by  /  14 May 2016

Researchers are trying to study autism in one of the most politically and economically unstable regions in the world.

Week of MayMay

Hospital overhaul; essay errors; silent shopping

by  /  13 May 2016

Flagship National Institutes of Health hospital undergoes a staff shake-up, scientists criticize an essay by a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and a supermarket offers silent shopping hours.


Scientists must curb tendency to try untested treatments

by  /  12 May 2016

People may misconstrue basic research as ready remedies, so scientists must work to prevent misinterpretation of their findings.


How dining out with my daughter inspired my autism studies

by  /  12 May 2016

Restaurants can be stressful for my daughter Frances, who has autism, but her difficulties led me to try to better understand and treat her type of situational anxiety.


Questions for Laura Anthony: Teaming up to improve research

by  /  12 May 2016

Partnering with families affected by autism may make research more relevant, fun and likely to succeed.


Testing school-based autism treatments takes teamwork

by  /  12 May 2016

Partnering with families and teachers is the only way to make autism interventions work in the community.


Firsthand experience with autism can spark new science

by  /  12 May 2016

Meeting people with autism can give scientists new ideas and the motivation to pursue long-term studies.


Sibling bonds inspire next generation of autism researchers

by  /  12 May 2016

Growing up with a brother or sister on the spectrum motivates some young people to devote their careers to investigating autism.


How to successfully recruit participants for autism studies

by  /  12 May 2016

Many families don’t have the time or motivation to participate in research. So how can scientists recruit them?

Week of MayMay

Abilify alert; long-lived embryos; Missing publications

by  /  6 May 2016

An autism drug can cause compulsion problems, embryos survive a record 13 days in culture, and the results from some clinical trials languish for too long.
