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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: immune system

November 2017
pregnant woman blowing nose and sick on couch

Maternal immune response may render brain vulnerable to injury

by  /  12 November 2017

Mouse brains exposed to inflammation in the womb become more susceptible to a second challenge.

Brain regions (yellow) altered by missing immune genes correlate with those involved in anxiety.

Imaging study links immune genes to anxiety

by  /  12 November 2017

Mice missing any of 11 genes involved in the immune response show differences in brain anatomy that track with anxiety.

October 2017
Week of OctoberOct

Cannabis candidate; omega add-on; oxytocin control and more

by  /  6 October 2017

A cannabis gel may ease features of fragile X syndrome, omega fatty acids show promise for autism in two trials, and oxytocin reinforces social behaviors through the brain’s reward pathway.

Areas of excitable neurons mark the brains of mice exposed to inflammation in utero.

Maternal infection may trigger autism traits via neuronal ‘patches’

by  /  2 October 2017

Patches of overactive neurons in the brains of mice exposed to inflammation in the womb may lead to autism-like features in the mice.

September 2017
Week of SeptemberSep

Genetics do-over; iffy influences; high-tech education and more

by  /  29 September 2017

A re-analysis of data yields an increased estimate for the genetic contribution to autism, how the environment might contribute to autism is hard to pin down, and students on the spectrum describe the benefits of using technology at school.


Fever eases behavioral problems in some children with autism

by  /  18 September 2017

About 17 percent of children with autism are calmer and more communicative than usual when they have a fever.

Week of SeptemberSep

Maternal immunity; drug doubts; harassment scandal and more

by  /  15 September 2017

Two studies back the link between autism and maternal inflammation, other work weakens worry about antidepressant use in pregnancy, and a harassment scandal rocks a university’s cognitive science department.

August 2017
Week of AugustAug

Mitochondrial risk; anxiety amelioration; fever factor and more

by  /  25 August 2017

Some variants in mitochondrial DNA are more common than others in autism, cognitive therapy reduces anxiety for people on the spectrum, and maternal fever in the third trimester is tied to autism risk.

July 2017
Week of JulyJul

Edited human embryos; prenatal antidepressants; gut thinking and more

by  /  28 July 2017

Researchers in Oregon edit human embryos, prenatal antidepressants may play a role in autism risk, and gut microbiota are associated with early cognition.

June 2017

Doubt greets reports of suramin’s promise for treating autism

by  /  15 June 2017

A drug normally used to treat African sleeping sickness had only mild side effects in a widely reported trial of 10 boys with autism — but researchers question the study’s premise.
