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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: neural circuits

June 2016

‘Magneto’ manipulates behavior of freely moving mice

by  /  22 June 2016

A magnetically sensitive protein allows researchers to switch on neurons in freely moving mice and zebrafish.

May 2016
Illustration shows doctors in Libya looking at a city, with children standing in the foreground.

The gene hunters

by  /  18 May 2016

Criss-crossing the globe on a quest for unusual DNA, researchers have discovered a rare mutation that promises insights into both epilepsy and autism — and points to a treatment.


Targeting brain’s star-shaped cells may yield autism drugs

by ,  /  3 May 2016

Astrocytes modulate most — if not all — aspects of neuronal development. We need new techniques to study these star-shaped brain cells and their potential role in autism and other conditions.

April 2016

Mouse study links gene to some autism symptoms

by  /  22 April 2016

Mice missing a gene called PTCHD1 in a deep-seated brain structure have autism-like symptoms that ease with treatment.

March 2016

Questions for Richard Tsien: Taking apart autism’s machinery

by  /  22 March 2016

Autism may stem from faulty feedback loops in the brain, like an air conditioning system gone awry.


New tool offers way to ‘light up’ cells in monkey brain

by  /  16 March 2016

A new technique can stimulate and record activity across broad swaths of the monkey brain.


Imaging tool creates hologram of brain circuits

by  /  2 March 2016

A new tool paints real-time pictures of brain circuits that could reveal altered neuronal activity in mouse models of autism.

February 2016

Precise program traces firing patterns in neural networks

by  /  17 February 2016

By tracking calcium’s movement, a new algorithm simultaneously delineates individual neurons’ shapes as well as their firing patterns.


Multipurpose tool paints three-layer portraits of neurons

by  /  3 February 2016

A new tool allows researchers to simultaneously study the physical, genetic and electrical properties of individual neurons.

December 2015

Molecular switch lets light shut off subsets of brain signals

by  /  16 December 2015

A tool kit of light-sensitive proteins allows researchers to mute communication between specific sets of neurons in mice.
