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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: MRI

June 2017

Brain scans may forecast autism in high-risk infants

by  /  7 June 2017

Patterns of brain activity in 6-month-old babies accurately predict which children will be diagnosed with autism at age 2.

March 2017

Excess brain fluid may forecast autism in babies

by  /  6 March 2017

Some infants who are later diagnosed with autism have too much fluid between the brain and skull.


New atlases chart early brain growth in monkeys

by  /  3 March 2017

A collection of brain scans from monkeys aged 2 weeks to 12 months reveals how their brain structures and nerve tracts develop over time.

February 2017

Brains of women with autism may sport male features

by  /  23 February 2017

The brains of some women with autism more closely resemble those of typical men than those of typical women.


Rapid brain growth in infancy may signal autism

by  /  15 February 2017

The faster the brains of children with autism grow in their first year of life, the more severe their autism features are likely to be at age 2.

January 2017

Questions for Pua, Seal: What’s wrong with brain imaging work?

by  /  17 January 2017

Despite the completion of hundreds of imaging studies in people with autism, researchers have yet to find features that distinguish people with the condition.

November 2016

Autism treatments may normalize brain volume in adult mice

by  /  17 November 2016

The effects of autism mutations on brain volume might be reversible, even in a mature brain.


Study tracks connectivity in autism mice as they grow up

by  /  13 November 2016

Two mouse models of autism have distinct patterns of brain connectivity that emerge at different times.


Brains of people with autism may be enlarged throughout life

by  /  13 November 2016

The brain enlargement commonly seen in toddlers with autism may persist into adolescence and adulthood.


Autism mice have unusually symmetrical brains

by  /  12 November 2016

Mice that carry mutations linked to autism are less likely than controls to show size differences between right and left brain regions.
