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Spectrum: Autism Research News


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October 2016

Autism features may be more severe in old age

by ,  /  18 October 2016

As more individuals with autism begin to reach old age, researchers have the opportunity to explore what the condition looks like in the elderly, and how best to support this population.

September 2016

Pregnant women’s immune response could lead to brain disorders in her children

by ,  /  1 September 2016

Maternal immune activation — caused by infection or even psychological stress during pregnancy — is a strong risk factor for neurological conditions such as autism.

August 2016

Memory and sense of self may play more of a role in autism than we thought

by ,  /  3 August 2016

When it comes to recalling personal memories, girls with autism may be more like typical developing girls than like boys with autism.

June 2016

How can we help young adults with autism thrive in the workplace?

With the right framework and planning, people with autism can succeed in professional, highly competitive work environments.

May 2016

How do you design a home for someone with autism?

Aspects of housing design can be a huge deal for someone with autism: Small changes can have a big impact on their quality of life.
