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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: videos

February 2017
human brain showing the corpus callosum highlighted

Brain’s bridge could yield clues to faulty wiring in autism

by  /  27 February 2017

Decoding distortions in the brain’s largest nerve tract could lay bare basic problems with long-range neural connections in autism.


‘Crystal skull’ provides panoramic view of mouse brain

by  /  3 February 2017

A curved glass replacement for the top of a mouse's skull lets researchers spy on the activity of more than 1 million neurons.

October 2016
drawing showing young boys journey before and after ECT therapy

How ‘shock therapy’ is saving some children with autism

by  /  26 October 2016

Given its reputation, the most shocking thing about electroconvulsive therapy might be how beneficial — and banal — it actually is.

August 2016

Memory hub could underlie social, cognitive quirks of autism

by  /  24 August 2016

The brain’s memory center, the hippocampus, may provide clues to features of autism as disparate as personal relationships and decision-making.
