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Spectrum: Autism Research News

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Science & Society

From funding decisions to scientific fraud, a wide range of societal factors shape autism research.

February 2014

First 1,000 days of life could hold keys to autism

by  /  17 February 2014

Autism researchers have high hopes for a new project called the First 1,000 Days of Life, which aims to follow 5,000 women and their babies from pregnancy through two years after birth.


Spatial, verbal skills in autism even out with age

by  /  14 February 2014

A rigorous new study confirms that boys with autism tend to score higher on tests of spatial and analytical abilities than on those for verbal skills. But the gap decreases by the time they reach 10 years of age.


How to evaluate the ‘intense world’ paradigm?

by  /  11 February 2014

What evidence supports the idea that autism stems from overactive brain responses to sensory input? Researchers weigh in on this controversial theory.


Kevin Pelphrey discusses neuroimaging and autism

 /  19 February 2014

Watch the complete replay of Kevin Pelphrey discussing how imaging can chart social cognition in the brains of children with autism.


Automated tool records behavior of autism mouse models

by  /  5 February 2014

A new tracking system automatically logs and scores mouse behavior as well as a human observer does, according to a paper published 31 December 2013 in Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

January 2014

Untrained doctors slow autism care in many nations

by  /  31 January 2014

A shortage of trained doctors, lack of awareness and long waiting lists for specialized care delay diagnosis and treatment of autism in many low- and middle-income countries, report two new studies.


Spontaneous and rare mutations are key in schizophrenia

by  /  30 January 2014

Spontaneous and rare mutations, particularly in genes related to networks that regulate neuronal connections, contribute a small but significant proportion of the risk for schizophrenia, report two large studies published online 22 January in Nature.


Eye-tracker charts gaze of children with autism

by  /  29 January 2014

A lightweight eye-tracking system allows researchers to record the shifts in gaze that naturally occur during playtime, reports a study published 20 November in Frontiers in Psychology.


Gut woes may accompany repetitive behaviors in autism

by  /  24 January 2014

Children with autism who have constipation are often also plagued by compulsive or repetitive behaviors, a core feature of autism, finds a study published 29 November in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.


Symptom database may find patterns in complex disorders

by  /  22 January 2014

The Human Phenotype Ontology project has assembled more than 10,000 standardized terms for human diseases and the symptoms that accompany them, researchers reported 1 January in Nucleic Acids Research.
