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Spectrum: Autism Research News

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Diagnosing autism is an evolving science but a crucial first step to understanding the disorder.

October 2010

Deserted stats

by  /  12 October 2010

The first study of autism in Oman reveals that only 114 children have been diagnosed with the disorder.


Science by zodiac

by  /  5 October 2010

Research has hinted that the season of a child’s birth may play some role in his or her risk of developing various neuropsychiatric disorders. But it’s the season of conception that really matters, a new study suggests.

September 2010

Yawning gap

by  /  28 September 2010

Children with autism are less likely to yawn when others do, perhaps because they tend not to unconsciously mimic behavior.


Genetics: Common mutation linked to risk of mental disorders

by  /  27 September 2010

A common variation within a region on chromosome 16 puts a large proportion of the general population at risk for intellectual disability, according to a study published in August in Nature Genetics.


X-linked gene increases autism risk in boys

by  /  16 September 2010

A newly characterized gene on the X chromosome may be disrupted in up to one percent of people with autism, researchers reported Wednesday in Science Translational Medicine.


Immature headlines

by  /  15 September 2010

A five-minute brain scan can help diagnose developmental disorders including autism in young children, headlines blared last week. That may be true several years down the line, but I’d say it’s a pretty big exaggeration of the actual findings.


Islam and autism

by  /  14 September 2010

In popular culture — from the TV show
to high-traffic health blogs — I’ve noticed more and more stories about the domestic difficulties that come from raising a child with autism, particularly the emotional and financial toll it takes on parents.

August 2010

Social factors may drive the spike in autism cases

by  /  27 August 2010

Changes in diagnostic practices, more active neighborhood networks, and an increase in the number of older parents may all contribute to the massive rates of autism in California, says a group of social scientists. But the numbers still don’t add up.


Venn diagnoses

by  /  25 August 2010

Three articles published in the past few weeks show that diagnostic categories marked off neatly on the page often bleed together messily in the clinic.


Norway baby study expected to yield insights into autism

by  /  20 August 2010

The Autism Birth Cohort, based on data from 100,000 Norwegian children and their families, aims to uncover genetic and environmental factors contributing to the disorder.
