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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: technology

November 2018

Mouse brain atlas reveals details of developing cerebellum

by  /  16 November 2018

A new database displays gene-expression patterns in individual cells of the developing mouse cerebellum over time.

Drawing shows robot making a surprised face to mimic human emotion.

Intelligent robots could prove to be a boon for autism therapies

by ,  /  13 November 2018

Robots may one day help therapists analyze behaviors and devise personalized sessions for autistic children.

RNA sequences in yellow and blue.

Tool analyzes mysterious set of RNAs for clues to function

by  /  9 November 2018

A software tool finds possible functions for long RNA molecules that aren’t transcribed into proteins.

Marmoset in a clear cage in a lab.

Monkey motion-capture reveals social behavior in 3-D

by  /  8 November 2018

A monkey-sized jacket embedded with motion sensors — similar to technology used to animate creatures in movies — is helping researchers develop the common marmoset as a model for studying human social behavior.


Gene expression ‘barcode’ maps cells in brain tissue

by  /  7 November 2018

A new technique transforms the previous broad-brush picture of a brain region into a pointillist masterpiece of neuronal subpopulations associated with specific activities.

Infant in fnirs cap, wrapped in blankets.

Study tracks social brain development in African infants

by  /  7 November 2018

An inexpensive, noninvasive method can track social brain development in infants in low-resource countries.


Roundworm roundup may reveal function of autism genes

by  /  6 November 2018

Tracking how roundworms crawl has enabled scientists to determine that many autism genes are involved in sensory processing and learning.


New tool models source of signals in brain imaging techniques

by  /  5 November 2018

New open-source software helps scientists pinpoint where electrical signals are produced in the brain.

October 2018
A woman stands at an ATM in a mall scene, looking at a camera

How virtual reality is transforming autism studies

by  /  24 October 2018

Researchers and autistic artists exploring virtual reality to study, treat and simulate autism traits.

Neurons in lab grown brain glow green, red and blue.

New techniques extend tool kit for constructing ‘mini-brains’

by  /  5 October 2018

Two new methods for building ‘mini-brains’ may help researchers study how early brain development differs in people with autism.
