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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: sensory perception

March 2018
An picture to illustrate a ‘predictive coding’ theory of autism suggests that many of the condition’s hallmark traits occur when sensory input overrides expectation in the brain.

How autism may stem from problems with prediction

by  /  7 March 2018

A ‘predictive coding’ theory of autism suggests that many of the condition’s hallmark traits occur when sensory input overrides expectation in the brain.

January 2018
child's hand touching running water

Sensory sensitivity may share genetic roots with autism

by  /  17 January 2018

The heritable factors that underlie autism may overlap with those that influence unusual sensory responses.

December 2017
Week of DecemberDec

Research priorities; adult reading; prevalence update and more

by  /  22 December 2017

The advocacy organization Autism Speaks releases its three-year strategic research plan, a new autism journal is slated for 2019, and updated U.S. developmental disability prevalence numbers are published.

diagram of scent tool. woman using scent tool

Men with autism may misread social cues in body odors

by  /  21 December 2017

Men with autism may respond differently to human odors — and the social signals that they contain — than do their neurotypical peers.

Week of DecemberDec

Regression review; gendered association; model tribute and more

by  /  15 December 2017

A sweeping analysis covers evidence of regression in autism, gender dysphoria is linked to autism features, and animal models of autism receive full treatment in a special tribute.


Review: ‘Uncommon Sense’ exquisitely explores autism’s sensory experiences

by  /  5 December 2017

The play dexterously depicts the struggles — sensory and social — of four characters who occupy distinct places on the autism spectrum.

November 2017
child sticking tongue out and making a face while holding chopsticks

In autism, food quirks show up in social brain areas

by  /  15 November 2017

Young adults with autism who have intense sensitivity to taste show increased activation in social areas of the brain when they taste something sweet.

child with headphones listening to a woman on television with doctor watching

Lab tests may pick up sensory sensitivity in autism

by  /  15 November 2017

A person’s ability to distinguish similar syllables by sight and sound correlates with how sensitive she is to sensory stimuli.


Electronic glow may disrupt sleep for people on the spectrum

by  /  13 November 2017

Exposure to certain types of light at night may exacerbate sleep issues among people with autism.

large adult hands holding small children's hands

Soothing sensory sensitivity may ease social problems in mice

by  /  12 November 2017

A treatment delivered to neurons that mediate touch can ease anxiety and social problems in two mouse models of autism.
