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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: sensory perception

July 2011

Studying infant sibs of children with autism spectrum disorder

by  /  5 July 2011

Studying the infant siblings of children who have autism to identify early signs of the disorder is expected to have enormous impact on the field from a clinical and a basic science standpoint, says psychologist Karen Dobkins.

June 2011

Left out

by  /  21 June 2011

Under the proposed guidelines for autism diagnosis, some people with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism may lose their diagnosis and, as a result, their access to services, according to a new study.


Information overload

by  /  3 June 2011

Sensory sensitivity is one of the most understudied aspects of autism. That’s a serious problem, because it underlies much of the distress experienced by people with the disorder, says best-selling author and animal scientist Temple Grandin.

May 2011

New York program fulfills promise of inclusive education

by  /  30 May 2011

An innovative academic program in New York City public schools is successfully educating children with high-functioning autism alongside their unaffected peers.

April 2011

Brain activity explains keen visual skills in autism, group says

by  /  4 April 2011

Individuals with autism use more brainpower in regions linked to visual perception, and less in those related to planning thoughts and actions, compared with healthy controls, according to a multi-study analysis published today in Human Brain Mapping.

March 2011

Molecular mechanisms: Neuroligin-4 induces synapses in a dish

by  /  23 March 2011

Neuroligin-4, a protein associated with autism, is located at synapses — the junctions between neurons — that inhibit signals in the brain, according to a study published in February in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The protein can also single-handedly induce neurons derived from human stem cells to form synapses, according to another study in the same issue.

February 2011

Genetic background alters behavior of fragile X mice

by  /  21 February 2011

Six strains of mice lacking a gene associated with fragile X syndrome show radically different behaviors though they share the same mutation, researchers reported in January in Autism Research.


Search for Asperger syndrome genes unearths links to autism

by  /  10 February 2011

A genome-wide association study has identified risk factors for Asperger syndrome, some of which overlap with chromosomal regions implicated in autism, according to a study in the December issue of Autism Research.


Molecular mechanisms: Men with fragile X have enlarged brains

by  /  9 February 2011

Men with fragile X syndrome have larger brains overall than controls do, but less matter in regions involved in language and social interaction.


Cognition and behavior: Connectivity askew deep in autism brains

by  /  7 February 2011

Children with autism show abnormally strong synchrony between deep and outer layers of the brain, according to a study published online 31 December in Biological Psychiatry.
