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Spectrum: Autism Research News


August 2015

Brain hormone levels linked to social deficits in autism

by  /  28 August 2015

Children with autism who have low vasopressin levels struggle to understand the thoughts of others.

March 2015

Gene defect may signal distinctive form of autism

by  /  30 March 2015

Mutations in the gene DYRK1A underlie a type of autism marked by an unusually small head. The new work expands the breadth of symptoms included under the autism umbrella.

January 2015

Surplus of neurons spurs autism traits in mice

by  /  15 January 2015

Fetal mice that have too many neurons grow to show social deficits and repetitive behaviors. The finding, reported 11 December in Cell Reports, debuts a mouse model of autism that’s based on a biological abnormality seen in some people with the disorder.

December 2014

Method predicts impact of DNA variants on gene expression

by  /  18 December 2014

A new computational approach predicts how sequence variations in both the coding and noncoding regions of a gene affect the gene’s expression. The method, described today in Science, may help researchers understand how specific variants contribute to disorders such as autism.


Sequencing study clarifies impact of autism mutations

by  /  15 December 2014

Researchers are taking a second look at dozens of autism candidate genes, sequencing them in thousands of individuals to bolster the evidence linking them to autism.


Facial measurements resurface in search for autism clues

by  /  8 December 2014

A group of scientists is using fast, accurate and minimally invasive measurement systems to revive the once-tedious trade of dysmorphology, or the study of unusual facial features, in autism.

November 2014

Mystery gene uncovered in autism studies may steer neurons

by  /  26 November 2014


Genetics first: A fresh take on autism’s diversity

by  /  24 November 2014

Each child with autism is different from the next. One approach rapidly gaining momentum makes sense of this diversity by grouping children together based on their genetics, then looking for patterns in their symptoms. The long-term aim: personalized treatments for each subtype of autism.


Diabetes drug is sweet cure for fragile X in fruit flies

by  /  19 November 2014

The memory and sleep troubles that accompany fragile X syndrome originate in a glitch in insulin signaling, suggests an unpublished study of fruit flies presented today at the 2014 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington, D.C. The study points to a widely available diabetes treatment for the syndrome.


Autism-linked gene guides growth of subtype of neurons

by  /  19 November 2014

Mice missing PTEN, a strong autism candidate gene, in a subtype of inhibitory neurons in one part of the brain show signaling abnormalities and social deficits. Researchers presented the unpublished work yesterday at the 2014 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
