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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: neurotransmitters

June 2016

Culture scheme yields realistic neuron mixture

by  /  1 June 2016

Using a clever culture method, scientists can transform human stem cells into a precise blend of neuron types.

March 2016

Culture trick transforms immune cells into neurons

by  /  30 March 2016

A new method allows scientists to chemically coax immune cells in blood into becoming mature neurons.


Webinar: Nils Brose examines synapse proteins in autism

 /  9 March 2016

Watch the complete replay of Nils Brose discussing proteins called neuroligins, which control the formation of nerve cell junctions called synapses, and what studies of neuroligins might mean for understanding and treating autism.

November 2015

Sensitive, superfast sensor detects brain activity in real time

by  /  25 November 2015

A new tool marries an unusually bright fluorescent protein to a light-sensitive pigment to illuminate individual neurons as they fire.


Microscopy technique homes in on links between neurons

by  /  18 November 2015

A powerful form of light microscopy that maps neuronal connections could help researchers better understand communication among the cells.

July 2015

From tiny slice, researchers lay bare beauty of mouse brain

by  /  30 July 2015

Researchers have reconstructed in spectacular detail all of the complex circuits in a small piece of the mouse brain. They revealed the sublime images today in Cell.

November 2014

Mystery gene uncovered in autism studies may steer neurons

by  /  26 November 2014


Takeaways from SfN 2014

by  /  20 November 2014

Scientists reflect on the current state of autism research as the 2014 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington, D.C. comes to a close.


Diverse dopamine defects found in people with autism

by  /  19 November 2014

Experimental drugs can reverse the effects of some autism-linked mutations in the dopamine transporter, a protein that shuttles the chemical messenger dopamine into neurons. Researchers presented the unpublished findings in five posters yesterday at the 2014 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington, D.C.


Imaging lights up dynamics of neurons’ connections in mice

by  /  19 November 2014

Researchers have developed a way to capture dynamic changes in the part of the neuron that sends out signals, they reported yesterday at the 2014 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
