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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: neurexin

January 2021
grid of clocks showing different times

Missing autism gene may affect time perception in mice

by  /  11 January 2021

Mice missing a copy of the autism-linked gene NRXN1 appear to perceive some time intervals as shorter than control mice do, according to a new study.

April 2018

Autism genes assign starring role to support cells in brain

by  /  24 April 2018

Genes linked to autism are critical to the development of star-shaped brain cells called astrocytes, suggesting a key role for the cells in the condition.

October 2017
Week of OctoberOct

Wi-Fi flap; obsessive-compulsive link; brain catalog and more

by  /  27 October 2017

Two researchers balk at talk that Wi-Fi and autism are linked, changes in an autism risk gene are tied to obsessive-compulsive traits in three species, and scientists plan to conduct a census of all of the brain’s cell types.

May 2017

Brain’s reward region may drive social problems in autism

by  /  17 May 2017

Having too many copies of an autism gene called UBE3A mutes a brain region that may mediate the satisfaction a person derives from social interactions.

October 2015

Differences between rodents show limitations of models

by  /  20 October 2015

The same autism-linked mutation can lead to dramatically different behaviors in rats and mice.

December 2014

Method isolates protein complexes from neuronal junctions

by  /  17 December 2014

Researchers have for the first time isolated and characterized protein complexes found at the points of connection between neurons. Mutations in some of these proteins are linked to autism.

November 2014

Imaging lights up dynamics of neurons’ connections in mice

by  /  19 November 2014

Researchers have developed a way to capture dynamic changes in the part of the neuron that sends out signals, they reported yesterday at the 2014 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

October 2014

Analysis of mouse brains maps subgroups of autism

by  /  13 October 2014

A brain imaging study of 26 mouse models of autism reveals a broad range of structural abnormalities. The models cluster into groups with similar features, reports a study published 9 September in Molecular Psychiatry.

August 2014

Mutant protein causes reversible autism-like behaviors

by  /  4 August 2014

Mice that begin expressing a mutant version of a protein called neurexin at 2 weeks of age develop autism-like behaviors that researchers can erase weeks or months later. The report, published 24 July in Cell Reports, suggests that it may be possible to treat autism symptoms even in adulthood.

April 2014

Genetic background may alter behavior of autism mice

by  /  14 April 2014

Differences in the background genetics of mouse strains may modify the effects of autism genes, suggests a study published 11 March in Autism Research. The study looked at the behavior of mice with a mutation in neuroligin-3, a strong autism candidate gene.
