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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: motor skills

October 2012

‘Spiny mice’ model risk of autism from maternal infection

by  /  10 October 2012

The so-called ‘spiny mouse’ species has a gestational period twice as long as that of typical laboratory mice. This makes them good models for studying the link between prenatal exposure and autism risk, according to a study published 29 August in Brain, Behavior and Immunity.


Researchers uncover new drug target for fragile X

by  /  4 October 2012

Deleting an enzyme that regulates protein synthesis reverses some of the molecular and behavioral deficits in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome, according to research published 2 October in Neuron.

September 2012

Genetics: Early seizures define Rett-like syndrome

by  /  28 September 2012

Mutations in the CDKL5 gene lead to developmental delay starting at birth, seizures that begin before 3 months of age, and subtly atypical facial features, according to a study published 8 August in the European Journal of Human Genetics.


Cognition and behavior: Autism model mice ignore playmates

by  /  21 September 2012

Mice lacking EN2, an autism-linked gene, have a range of behavioral problems, including social deficits, problems with learning and memory, and motor abnormalities, according to a study published 19 July in PLoS One.


Insights for autism from Williams syndrome

by  /  18 September 2012

Studying the well-characterized Williams syndrome could help researchers understand autism and discover new therapeutic targets, says Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg.

A person wearing blue jeans and black sneakers walks next to a series of arrows placed on the ground.

Video technology reveals autism gait is symmetrical

by  /  12 September 2012

Researchers have used a motion-capture system to show that children with autism do not rely on one side of the body more than the other when walking. Their findings were published in the 2012 issue of Autism Research Treatment.


Cognition and behavior: Regression marks autism syndrome

by  /  12 September 2012

Characteristic symptoms of Phelan-McDermid syndrome — a disorder caused by the loss of the 22q13.3 chromosomal region — may include bipolar disorder and a sudden loss of skills during adulthood, according a study published in June in Molecular Syndromology.

August 2012

Clinical research: Fragile X unlinked from intelligence

by  /  29 August 2012

Women who have intelligence quotients in the normal range may nevertheless have fragile X syndrome, often described as the most common inherited form of mental retardation, according to a case study published 27 June in Molecular Autism.

Brain waves against a solid white background

Epilepsy drug reverses autism-like symptoms in mice

by  /  27 August 2012

Researchers have homed in on the brain region thought to be responsible for the autism-like symptoms that can accompany Dravet syndrome, a rare epilepsy disorder, according to research published Wednesday in Nature.


Molecular mechanisms: Rett protein loss shrinks adult brains

by  /  17 August 2012

Deleting the Rett syndrome gene from mature mouse brains leads to the same neurological and behavioral symptoms as deleting it during a key developmental stage, according to a study published 18 July in the Journal of Neuroscience.
