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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: motor skills

January 2017

Brain-wave patterns distinguish dup15q syndrome

by  /  13 January 2017

Children with an extra copy of the 15q11-13 chromosomal region, the second most common genetic abnormality in people with autism, have unusually strong brain waves called beta oscillations. The preliminary findings, presented Friday at the Dup15q Alliance Scientific Meeting in Orlando, Florida, suggest that beta oscillations could distinguish children with dup15q syndrome from those with other forms of autism.


Rare form of autism linked to lack of key nutrient

by  /  5 January 2017

A mutation that prevents some amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, from entering the brain may lead to autism.

September 2016

Mice with faulty SHANK3 mimic autism features in people

by  /  26 September 2016

Mice with a genetic glitch in just one copy of SHANK3, a leading candidate gene for autism, show brain and behavioral features of the condition.


Exercise gives children with autism jump on social skills

by  /  22 September 2016

Dozens of small studies suggest that physical activity offers behavioral benefits for children with autism.

August 2016

The controversy over autism’s most common therapy

by  /  10 August 2016

Applied behavioral analysis is the most widely used therapy for autism, but some people say its drills and routines are cruel, and its aims misguided.


Timing is key to understanding sensory, social issues in autism

by  /  9 August 2016

Individuals with autism have trouble reading social cues because their brains connect sights and sounds over unusually long periods of time.


Motor troubles in Angelman may stem from nerve fiber anomaly

by  /  1 August 2016

Unusually thin nerve fibers in the brain may underlie the motor difficulties seen in children with Angelman syndrome, an autism-related condition.

July 2016

Two types of neurons play key roles in Rett syndrome

by  /  27 July 2016

Manipulating MeCP2, the gene mutated in Rett syndrome, has revealed two neuron types as crucial contributors to the condition.

June 2016

Mice missing key autism gene hint at new treatment target

by  /  16 June 2016

A newly created strain of mice lacking SHANK3 closely mimics the effects of the protein’s loss in some people with autism.

May 2016

Through play, children with autism can hone thinking skills

by  /  31 May 2016

Clinicians can use play to deliver therapies that could improve a child’s social skills, language and certain cognitive capacities.
