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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: language

November 2016

Monkey mics may solve communication mysteries

by  /  16 November 2016

Tiny monkeys sporting even tinier backpacks are helping scientists understand the nuances of language and social behavior.


Loss of autism protein stalls song learning in birds

by  /  15 November 2016

A gene linked to autism and language may be necessary for songbirds’ repertoire.


Imaging study hints at compensation in verbal teens with autism

by  /  14 November 2016

Adolescents with autism who have good verbal skills show enhanced structural connections in brain regions involved in processing and integrating sounds.

September 2016

Exercise gives children with autism jump on social skills

by  /  22 September 2016

Dozens of small studies suggest that physical activity offers behavioral benefits for children with autism.

Week of SeptemberSep

Sounding out ultrasounds; name game; geek gathering

by  /  9 September 2016

A tie between first-trimester ultrasounds and autism severity is tenuous at best, misnamed genes litter the literature, and neuroscientists enjoy their version of summer camp.


Words say little about cognitive abilities in autism

by  /  5 September 2016

Nearly half of children with autism who speak few or no words have cognitive skills that far exceed their verbal abilities.

August 2016

Siblings of children with autism may show early setbacks

by  /  31 August 2016

About 1 in 10 toddlers who have an older sibling with autism have cognitive and motor delays.

July 2016

For children with autism, multiple languages may be a boon

by  /  25 July 2016

Most children who learn more than one language gain valuable skills, and researchers say this may also be true for children with autism.

Photo: Bernardo Pace and his daughter Gina stand together, looking at each other and embracing.

The most terrifying childhood condition you’ve never heard of

by  /  6 July 2016

Childhood disintegrative disorder, a rare and severe condition, rapidly melts away a child’s abilities. A new theory proposes that this little-known condition turns back the developmental clock.

June 2016
Week of JuneJun

CRISPR medicine; inclusive experiments; autism in Egypt

by  /  24 June 2016

Scientists target human cancer with CRISPR, device trials may become more diverse, and autism awareness grows in Egypt.
