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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: epigenetics

March 2013

Folic acid’s appeal

by  /  26 March 2013

Folic acid supplements taken early in pregnancy reduce the risk of autism, according to a large Norwegian study published 13 February in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 


Changes to children’s study threaten its value, experts say

by  /  7 March 2013

The National Children’s Study, a decade-old effort to track children’s health from birth to age 21, is undergoing radical restructuring to cut costs. The streamlined version of the project has left scientists and autism advocacy groups concerned that the study will not provide the answers they had hoped.

January 2013

Autism symptoms more severe in later-born children

by  /  17 January 2013

In families that have more than one child with autism, children who are born later have lower intelligence scores than their older siblings do, according to research published 11 November in PLoS ONE.


Genetics: Autism mutations alter DNA structure

by  /  9 January 2013

A significant proportion of mutations linked to autism alter proteins that regulate gene expression by modifying the structure of DNA, according to a study published 13 November in Molecular Psychiatry.

December 2012

Genetics: Family of regulatory proteins altered in autism

by  /  21 December 2012

Researchers have identified several harmful autism-linked mutations in a family of proteins that regulate the expression of various genes, they reported 10 October in Autism Research.


Genetics: DNA modification marks autism genes

by  /  12 December 2012

A newly discovered DNA modification may play a role in development and regulate the expression of genes linked to fragile X syndrome and autism, according to a study published 5 October in Human Molecular Genetics.


Genetics: Searching for answers

by  /  6 December 2012

Solving the riddle of autism genetics will require looking beyond the growing list of candidate genes to epigenetics and personalized medicine.

November 2012

Molecular mechanisms: Gene expression differs in autism

by  /  20 November 2012

The brains of individuals with autism express low levels of genes involved in metabolism and protein assembly, according to a postmortem study published 12 September in PLoS One.

October 2012

Old mice may pass on ‘epimutations’ to offspring

by  /  14 October 2012

The sperm of old mice has an unusual epigenome, the profile of chemical modifications to the underlying DNA code, according to a poster presented Saturday at the 2012 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in New Orleans. The findings suggest an explanation for the so-called paternal age effect in autism.


Genetics: RNA improvisations altered in autism

by  /  9 October 2012

RNA editing, which creates multiple forms of a protein, is common among proteins involved in neuronal signaling, and may be abnormal in people with autism, according to a study published 7 August in Molecular Psychiatry.
