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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: epidemiology

April 2011

To catch a thief

by  /  29 April 2011

A high-profile autism researcher has been indicted for stealing more than $1 million in autism research money.


Social epidemic

by  /  19 April 2011

As awareness about autism has spread in California, lower-income families have become more likely to seek a diagnosis of autism, says a new study.


Genetics: Gene expression study links paternal age to autism

by  /  12 April 2011

Children with autism and those who have fathers older than 31 both have lower-than-normal levels of proteins that regulate other genes, according to a study published in February in PLoS One.


Researchers track down autism rates across the globe

by  /  7 April 2011

Cultural stigma, lack of awareness about mental health and poor medical infrastructure have led to inaccurate diagnoses and artificially low autism prevalence in many countries around the world, epidemiologists say.

March 2011

Whiz kids

by  /  29 March 2011

For many years, autism was considered synonymous with intellectual disability. A new study shows that perception is inaccurate.


Molecular mechanisms: Inflamed placenta linked to schizophrenia, autism

by  /  2 March 2011

Infection with swine flu in early pregnancy causes inflammation in the placenta, and raises the risk of schizophrenia and autism in the offspring, according to a study published in January in Neuropharmacology.

February 2011

Genetics: Study reexamines role of 16p11.2 in autism

by  /  23 February 2011

Duplication or deletion of 16p11.2 — a much-studied chromosomal region with a strong association with autism — is present in 0.76 percent of people with the disorder, according to a meta-analysis published February in Genetics in Medicine.


Brain expands too fast, shrinks too soon in autism

by  /  7 February 2011

The brains of people with autism show three distinct periods of abnormal development — overgrowth in infancy, prematurely arrested growth in childhood, and shrinking between adolescence and middle age — according to a study in Brain Research.

January 2011

Risk of autism spikes for children of older men

by  /  28 January 2011

A man’s risk of fathering a child with autism begins to rise at age 30 and significantly increases after age 50, according to a report published online 30 November in Molecular Psychiatry.


Public options

by  /  24 January 2011

As autism rates rise, so do health care costs for the disorder. Despite federal programs, some children with autism are falling through the cracks in the health care system.
