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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: environment

July 2012

Genetics: Study ties three immune genes to autism

by  /  25 July 2012

Common variants in three genes involved in the immune system are more likely to crop up in people with autism than in typical controls, according to a study published 9 June in Molecular Autism.


Charles Nelson: Searching for early signs of autism

by  /  23 July 2012

Charles Nelson, who famously showed that social deprivation damages the developing brain, is analyzing brain waves in babies to study how different genetic risk factors might lead to autism.


Molecular mechanisms: Mock virus alters offspring’s brain

by  /  20 July 2012

Pregnant rats exposed to a virus give birth to offspring with significantly altered levels of three proteins important for brain development, according to a study published 9 June in Molecular Brain.


Targeting brain microcircuits may help treat autism

by  /  10 July 2012

Understanding the function of neuronal circuits, specifically microcircuits in the prefrontal cortex and elsewhere in the brain, will play a major role in translating research findings into new autism treatments, says Vikaas Sohal.

June 2012

Focus on function may help unravel autism’s complex genetics

by ,  /  26 June 2012

To find the pathogenic mutations in complex disorders such as autism, researchers may need to conduct sophisticated analyses of the genetic functions that are disrupted, says geneticist Aravinda Chakravarti.


Epigenetic age

by  /  22 June 2012

Normal aging triggers dramatic changes to the epigenome, the set of chemical tags that turn genes on and off, according to a new study.

May 2012

Long-term project charts methylation patterns in pregnancy

by  /  18 May 2012

By studying pregnant women who already have a child with autism, researchers hope to understand how epigenetic changes — those that affect gene expression but don’t directly alter DNA — during pregnancy influences risk of the disorder.


Q&A with Eric Fombonne: Are autism’s rising rates real?

by  /  15 May 2012

Child psychiatrist and epidemiologist Eric Fombonne digs through the latest report on the prevalence of autism, suggesting reasons for the apparent increase in the disorder’s rates. 

April 2012

Genetics: Environment modulates autism symptoms in mice

by  /  24 April 2012

Mutant mice with autism-like behaviors have fewer behavioral impairments when provided with toys, exercise wheels and contact with other mice, than do those that live in typical laboratory cages, according to a study published 5 April in Human Molecular Genetics. 


Clinical research: Gestation period affects autism symptoms

by  /  6 April 2012

Both premature and post-term babies develop more severe symptoms of autism than those born close to their due dates, according to a study published 16 March in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
