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Spectrum: Autism Research News


June 2017

Family groups play key role in advancing autism research

by  /  27 June 2017

Families need more support from researchers in order for their heroic efforts to be optimally effective.

Illustration showing large group of people in a shape suggestive of a GWAS visual, connected to a pertri dish. The image is suggestive of large scale genetics research.

From 0 to 60 in 10 years

by  /  27 June 2017

After a decade of fast-paced discovery, researchers are racing toward bigger datasets, more genes and a deeper understanding of the biology of autism.

February 2017

International effort expands list of genes tied to autism

by  /  15 February 2017

A massive sequencing study spanning seven countries links 38 new genes to autism and developmental delay.

August 2015

Chromosome 7 flaws alter chemical tags throughout genome

by  /  21 August 2015

Alterations to chromosome 7 lead to changes in the chemical marks that direct gene expression.

May 2015

Brain biomarkers of autism may vary by genetic cause

by  /  15 May 2015

People with different genetic forms of autism may have distinct brain-wave signatures, according to preliminary data presented yesterday at the International Meeting for Autism Research in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

March 2015

Gene defect may signal distinctive form of autism

by  /  30 March 2015

Mutations in the gene DYRK1A underlie a type of autism marked by an unusually small head. The new work expands the breadth of symptoms included under the autism umbrella.

October 2014

Web of genes may hold clues for autism treatments

by  /  20 October 2014

Many of the genes that have emerged as the strongest autism candidates have turned out to regulate the expression of hundreds, if not thousands, of other genes. Within these networks, scientists are homing in on pathways that underlie autism.

May 2014

Autism gene may be key to discovering new candidates

by  /  19 May 2014

CHD8, a gene that has emerged as one of the strongest risk factors for autism, regulates the expression of more than half of a set of ‘high-confidence’ risk genes for the disorder. The unpublished data were presented Saturday at the 2014 International Meeting for Autism Research in Atlanta.

November 2013

Studies map gene expression across brain development

by  /  21 November 2013

Now that genetic studies have implicated several hundred genes in autism, researchers are turning their attention to where and when in the healthy young brain these genes are expressed. The first two studies to tackle these questions appear today in Cell.

March 2013

Rho family of enzymes at crossroads of autism

by  /  12 March 2013

A number of autism risk factors converge on one cellular pathway: abnormal remodeling of the cell’s structural systems through the signaling protein Rho, says SFARI’s associate director for research, Alan Packer.
