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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: DSM-5

October 2023
A person stands in front of a neatly organized dresser drawer

Teasing apart insistence on sameness with Mirko Uljarević

by  /  30 October 2023

The hallmark autism trait has multiple facets, Uljarević and his colleagues have found.

September 2023
Large colorful geometric shaped toys with children balancing on them.

Autism diagnosis: A moving target

by  /  7 September 2023

This collection of Spectrum stories explores some of the evolving debates, challenges and methods used to make an autism diagnosis.

Young child stacks colored blocks on a table.

High prevalence of developmental delay strains Australia’s support systems

by  /  1 September 2023

The nation needs to build capacity to support the roughly 20 percent of children in Australia who have developmental delay.

May 2023
Collage of multiple figures on a hillside looking at a large blue book in the distance.

Debate remains over changes in DSM-5 a decade on

by  /  31 May 2023

Changes to the DSM-5’s diagnostic criteria for autism were meant to add clarity, but they also generated new questions.

July 2022
A cross-section of the human brain and limbic system

Amygdala-linked brain areas grow differently in autism

by  /  13 July 2022

The growth differences vary between autistic boys and girls and are most apparent among children with prominent social difficulties.

March 2022

DSM-5 revision tweaks autism entry for clarity

by  /  17 March 2022

Two new words and a text swap in the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic “bible” are unlikely to affect clinical practice, experts say.

September 2020
Children scattered around a grid with a beam counting them

Autism prevalence in the United States, explained

by  /  3 September 2020

The bulk of the increase in autism prevalence stems from a growing awareness of the condition and changes to the diagnostic criteria.

May 2020

How the loss of Asperger syndrome has lasting repercussions

by  /  19 May 2020

Some people who have lost the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome say they feel a loss of identity and worry about a loss of services.

April 2020
Illustration shows a boy with converging patterns overlapping; these lines signify autism and intellectual disability.

The blurred line between autism and intellectual disability

by  /  15 April 2020

Doctors often conflate autism and intellectual disability, and no wonder: The biological distinction between them is murky. Scientific progress depends on knowing where the conditions intersect — and part ways.

June 2019
Group of children walking in the countryside in Vietnam.

Large survey of children hints at true autism prevalence in Vietnam

by  /  10 June 2019

Less than 1 percent of young children in northern Vietnam have autism, but this prevalence is higher than in previous reports.
