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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: connectivity theory

August 2017
Relative to controls, children with autism taking certain drugs have greater functional connectivity between brain regions (top, red), whereas unmedicated children with autism show less connectivity (bottom, blue).

Autism drugs may alter brain connectivity

by  /  31 August 2017

Children with autism who take certain medications have different patterns of brain connectivity than do unmedicated children with the condition.

January 2017

Questions for Pua, Seal: What’s wrong with brain imaging work?

by  /  17 January 2017

Despite the completion of hundreds of imaging studies in people with autism, researchers have yet to find features that distinguish people with the condition.

October 2016

Scans during sleep spotlight early brain asynchrony in autism

by  /  26 October 2016

Brain scans of sleeping children with autism reveal reduced synchrony between a brain region that processes emotions and structures involved in social communication.

September 2016

Imaging database for autism aims to outgrow quality concerns

by  /  1 September 2016

The biggest bank of brain scans from people with autism just doubled in size, boosting the odds of spotting a signal in the noisy data.

August 2016

Questions for Hyungbae Kwon: Building bridges in the brain

by  /  30 August 2016

A new study reveals how chemicals in the newborn brain forge connections between neurons.

June 2016

Tightly folded autism brain tied to dense neural connections

by  /  2 June 2016

An intricately pleated brain may underlie the highly organized connections between nearby neurons in people with autism.

December 2015

New atlas displays meticulous maps of brain connectivity

by  /  23 December 2015

Researchers have documented the shape and electrical activity of more than 2,000 neurons in the mouse brain, and charted the connections between them.

October 2015

Over-synched brains trigger out-of-step social behavior

by  /  22 October 2015

People with autism show excessively synchronized activity between brain regions while conversing with others.

September 2015

Extra-thick connections mark brains of toddlers with autism

by  /  18 September 2015

The brains of young children with autism show abnormally dense connections involving the frontal lobe. The excess wiring may disrupt the development of social and language circuits.

July 2015

Frayed nerve bundle may spur autism’s motor, social deficits

by  /  14 July 2015

A group of nerves at the base of the brain that govern movement appear to be structurally compromised in people with autism. The lower the integrity of these nerves, the more severe a person’s autism symptoms.
