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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: CHD8

February 2015

Web of autism genes untangles slowly

by  /  20 February 2015

A new study maps the many targets of the autism gene TBR1, but it’s just one small piece of a much bigger picture.

January 2015

Surplus of neurons spurs autism traits in mice

by  /  15 January 2015

Fetal mice that have too many neurons grow to show social deficits and repetitive behaviors. The finding, reported 11 December in Cell Reports, debuts a mouse model of autism that’s based on a biological abnormality seen in some people with the disorder.

December 2014

Sequencing study clarifies impact of autism mutations

by  /  15 December 2014

Researchers are taking a second look at dozens of autism candidate genes, sequencing them in thousands of individuals to bolster the evidence linking them to autism.


Facial measurements resurface in search for autism clues

by  /  8 December 2014

A group of scientists is using fast, accurate and minimally invasive measurement systems to revive the once-tedious trade of dysmorphology, or the study of unusual facial features, in autism.

November 2014

Genetics first: A fresh take on autism’s diversity

by  /  24 November 2014

Each child with autism is different from the next. One approach rapidly gaining momentum makes sense of this diversity by grouping children together based on their genetics, then looking for patterns in their symptoms. The long-term aim: personalized treatments for each subtype of autism.

October 2014

Massive sequencing studies reveal key autism genes

by  /  29 October 2014

Analyzing the sequences of more than 20,000 people, researchers have unearthed the largest and most robust list of autism genes so far, they reported today in Nature.


Web of genes may hold clues for autism treatments

by  /  20 October 2014

Many of the genes that have emerged as the strongest autism candidates have turned out to regulate the expression of hundreds, if not thousands, of other genes. Within these networks, scientists are homing in on pathways that underlie autism.

September 2014

Analysis predicts odds of mutations’ link to autism

by  /  11 September 2014

A new method of statistical analysis can predict whether a rare mutation identified in someone with autism has a meaningful association with the disorder or was found only by chance, researchers reported in the September issue of Nature Genetics.

August 2014

Questions for James Noonan: Tracking a candidate gene’s rise

by  /  26 August 2014

Geneticist James Noonan explains how the complex function of CHD8, the leading candidate for autism risk, points to a way to unravel the mechanisms underlying autism.

July 2014

Cluster of symptoms reveals gene’s link to autism subtype

by  /  3 July 2014

CHD8, a gene that regulates the structure of DNA, is the closest thing so far to an ‘autism gene,’ suggests a study published today in Cell. People with mutations in this gene all have the same cluster of symptoms, including autism.
