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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: brain size

November 2018

Inflammation in womb may spawn autism-like traits in males

by  /  6 November 2018

Chronic exposure to inflammation in the womb alters autism gene expression and disrupts social behavior in male mice, but not females.


Rett marmoset model made with CRISPR has its debut

by  /  5 November 2018

Scientists used the gene-editing tool CRISPR to create two marmosets lacking MECP2, the gene mutated in Rett syndrome.


In autism brains, neurons may take up more space than usual

by  /  4 November 2018

People with autism have more gray matter — or neuronal matter — in their brains overall than their typical peers do.

October 2018
Neurons in lab grown brain glow green, red and blue.

New techniques extend tool kit for constructing ‘mini-brains’

by  /  5 October 2018

Two new methods for building ‘mini-brains’ may help researchers study how early brain development differs in people with autism.

June 2018
Week of JuneJun

Drug dangers; allergy risk; science #MeToo and more

by  /  15 June 2018

A prospective study shows that antipsychotics mess up metabolism, autism is tied to a doubled risk for food allergies, and a report reveals pervasive sexual harassment in science.

Week of JuneJun

Oversold diets; big brains explained; tracking CRISPR and more

by  /  8 June 2018

Benefits of diets for autism features remain unproven, variants of the same DNA region make brains big or small, and STAT announces a new CRISPR tracker.


Growth spurt in head, skeleton mark autism in boys

by  /  6 June 2018

Boys with autism have smaller heads, are shorter and weigh less at birth than typical children do — but all that changes by age 3.


Autism brains show widespread alterations in structure

by  /  4 June 2018

The brains of people with autism show a variety of structural differences from those of controls.

Week of MayMay

Cooperating brains; data confusion; homeopathy claims and more

by  /  1 June 2018

Cooperative problem-solving may have kept human brains small, researchers puzzle over new European online privacy rules, and Canadian officials counter unfounded claims of a cure for autism.

May 2018
Four brains with different areas colored in red, orange, yellow and black.

Brain size varies predictably with loss, gain of DNA segment

by  /  24 May 2018

Missing one copy of a stretch of chromosome 16 leads to an enlarged brain; an extra copy of the region has the opposite effect.
