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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: brain imaging

November 2018
Baby with EEG cap looks at camera.

Brain waves of autistic children show delay in language learning

by  /  6 November 2018

Babies eventually diagnosed with autism learn to detect speech sounds later than their typical peers do.

Three dimensional rendering of the human brain with yellow area showing a change in folding patterns.

Language differences underlie distinct subgroups in autism

by  /  6 November 2018

Brain activity governing language can distinguish children with autism into distinct subgroups.


New tool models source of signals in brain imaging techniques

by  /  5 November 2018

New open-source software helps scientists pinpoint where electrical signals are produced in the brain.


In autism brains, neurons may take up more space than usual

by  /  4 November 2018

People with autism have more gray matter — or neuronal matter — in their brains overall than their typical peers do.


Sensory issues in autism may have sex-specific roots

by  /  4 November 2018

Girls and boys with autism show different patterns of brain activity in response to sensory stimuli.

October 2018
Recordings from the mouse visual cortex flash pink and orange.

New tool provides real-time glimpse of brain activity in mice

by  /  26 October 2018

A transparent set of electrodes enables researchers to simultaneously record electrical signals and visualize neurons in the brains of awake mice.

letters and numbers made out of mice, MRIs and other materials.

For studies, size matters: Let us count the ways

by  /  17 October 2018

In autism research, as in other fields, small sample sizes can lead to false findings. The size of the sample needed for statistical significance depends on the type of study.

Illustration of human brain in brackets suggesting circuit alterations that is associated with certain genetic mutations.

Brain scans of sleeping mice hint at subtypes of autism

by  /  9 October 2018

Mapping the effects of autism mutations on mouse brain circuits may reveal subtypes of the condition in people.

August 2018

Internal recordings of human brain may offer insight into autism

by ,  /  14 August 2018

A technique called intracranial electroencephalography can reveal brain functions with great sensitivity and may ultimately unearth the underpinnings of autism.

Rhesus macaque making a funny face.

Three distinct brain systems underlie monkey social skills

by  /  10 August 2018

A new map shows three brain networks that govern social communication in rhesus macaques.
