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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: bioinformatics

April 2011

Genetics: Gene expression study links paternal age to autism

by  /  12 April 2011

Children with autism and those who have fathers older than 31 both have lower-than-normal levels of proteins that regulate other genes, according to a study published in February in PLoS One.

March 2011

Machine-learning tool shows promise for autism diagnosis

by  /  14 March 2011

It’s too soon to call it a diagnostic test for autism, but an algorithm that detects patterns in brain waves shows promise as one component of a screening battery for the disorder, say researchers familiar with the work.

January 2011

High-tech national project set to trace brain’s connections

by  /  4 January 2011

Over the next five years, dozens of researchers funded by the $40 million ‘NIH Human Connectome Project’ will map the circuits of the human brain, tracing neural pathways and learning how different regions work together in synchrony.

December 2010

Stimulating research

by  /  6 December 2010

The National Database for Autism Research (NDAR), created by the National Institutes of Health to ease data sharing among autism researchers, has released the first batch of data on more than 10,000 participants enrolled in federally funded autism research studies.

November 2010

Brain ‘transcriptome’ reveals gene networks for autism

by  /  16 November 2010

Scientists have pinpointed two major gene networks relevant to autism by analyzing gene expression in brain tissue from individuals with the disorder. Researchers presented the data Sunday at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego.


Utah pedigree study pegs chromosome 15 for autism risk

by  /  10 November 2010

Chromosome 15 may harbor one or more risk genes for autism, according to a new study of multigenerational inheritance in Utah. Researchers have gathered data on family pedigrees stretching back as far as nine generations, with up to five family members affected by the disorder.


Cognition and behavior: Study suggests categories of autism

by  /  1 November 2010

People with autism may belong to one of four distinct categories based on their medical history, according to a study published in the October Autism Research.

October 2010

Genetics: Database of 2,000 families with autism debuts

by  /  29 October 2010

The Simons Simplex Collection (SSC), a database of genetic and clinical information from families that include one child with autism, has gathered data from more than 2,000 different families, researchers report in the October issue of Neuron.


Storing structure

by  /  28 October 2010

The National Institutes of Health on 30 September launched a public database to catalog a particularly important type of genomic data: so-called ‘structural variations’ — large deletions, duplications and rearrangements of DNA.


Database groups common concepts in autism tests

by  /  27 October 2010

A searchable new database will greatly ease the task of comparing results from more than 25 diagnostic tests for autism, by creating clusters of the various symptoms measured.
