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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: autism

September 2012

‘Noisy’ brain signals could underlie autism, study says

by  /  24 September 2012

Sensory responses in the brain of an individual with autism vary much more than in someone without the disorder, according to a study published 20 September in Neuron. This may explain why some people with autism are extremely sensitive to lights and sounds.


Economic imperative

by  /  21 September 2012

The cost of caring for individuals with autism increases throughout childhood and adolescence, by approximately five percent with each year of age.


Cognition and behavior: Autism model mice ignore playmates

by  /  21 September 2012

Mice lacking EN2, an autism-linked gene, have a range of behavioral problems, including social deficits, problems with learning and memory, and motor abnormalities, according to a study published 19 July in PLoS One.


Drug improves social deficits in fragile X syndrome

by  /  19 September 2012

A drug called arbaclofen improves behavioral problems in people with fragile X syndrome, an inherited condition that can lead to mental retardation and autism, according to the results of a clinical trial published today in Science Translational Medicine. A second study published in the same journal showed that the drug restores normal brain function in a mouse model of the disorder.


‘Maturation index’ predicts neurons’ developmental age

by  /  19 September 2012

Researchers have developed an index that can predict the age of developing interneurons, which inhibit signals in the brain, according to a study published 24 August in PLoS One. They then used this measurement to show that interneurons are immature in autism brains.


Genetics: Large chromosomal duplications can be harmless

by  /  19 September 2012

Traditional prenatal testing cannot distinguish between large disruptive chromosomal duplications and multiple harmless repeats, according to a study published 25 July in the European Journal of Human Genetics.


Delayed diagnosis

by  /  18 September 2012

Children with autism are being incorrectly diagnosed with developmental delay, and Hispanic children with developmental delay are going undiagnosed, according to a study in California.


Clinical research: Infertility does not raise risk of autism

by  /  18 September 2012

Undergoing fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization, does not increase the risk of having a child with autism, according to two epidemiology studies published this July.


Insights for autism from Williams syndrome

by  /  18 September 2012

Studying the well-characterized Williams syndrome could help researchers understand autism and discover new therapeutic targets, says Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg.


Model reveals new links between autism and fragile X

by  /  17 September 2012

Mice that lack the autism-linked gene neuroligin-3 show similar deficits in neuronal connections to those seen in fragile X syndrome, an inherited form of mental retardation, according to research published 13 September in Science. Restoring the gene in adolescent mice reverses the problem, suggesting a potential pathway for treatment.
