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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Problems with verbal and nonverbal communication — such as prosody, grammar, facial expressions and eye contact — contribute to the social difficulties individuals on the spectrum experience.

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animation: a child sits between two parents who are talking to each other. The child looks confused or worried.

Where communication breaks down for people with autism

by  /  18 April 2018

People on the spectrum often have subtle problems using language or making facial expressions. Pinpointing where those difficulties originate may help ease their social communication.

silhouette of head with illustrated text

Social communication in autism, explained

by  /  19 April 2018

Communication problems have always been considered a core feature of autism. Yet there are substantial and wide-ranging differences in how people with autism communicate.

Spectrum stories podcast logo.

Spectrum Stories: Autism, in a manner of speaking

by  /  19 April 2018

In this episode of “Spectrum Stories,” host Jacob Brogan explains how speech — from its rhythm to its emotional content — can differ in people with autism, making social communication difficult.

From The Archives

Ilustration of scientists balancing precariously on a ladder and painting.
child anxiously sitting in stairwell holding knees closely
black and white picture of a woman with text labels
Silhouetted portrait of a young boy